Village of Martin Ordinances
No. Name
1 Prohibit Use of Fire Arms & Air Guns
2 Prohibit Use of Public Streets For Peddling or Setting Up Stands For Retail Sale.
3 Control of Stray Dogs
4 Restricting Residential Construction
5 To Control and Regulate the Sale, Possession and Use of Air Guns, Bows & Arrows
and Sling Shots (and to provide a penalty for violation of same)
6 Defining Automobile Trailers and House Cars: Regulating Their Use in the Village
of Martin;
Providing for the licensing thereof and providing penalties for violation of said
7 Uniform Traffic Code
8 Regulate the Operation of Circuses, Menageries, Carnivals, Theaters, Concerts
and Other Public Exhibitions
9 Defining and Regulating Use of Display Signs and Advertising Banners
10 Construction, Maintenance and Use of Mains, Service Pipes, Conductors, Conduit,
Poles or Other Appliances Pertinent Thereto In Or Upon Any Street, Alley or Public
11 Regulating and Licensing Transient Merchants, Itinerant Merchants, and
Itinerant Vendors.
12 Regulate the keeping of horses, colts, mules, cows, goats, sheep, swine and fowl.
13 Public Nuisances
14 Prohibit Hunting Within the Village of Martin, Prohibit Use of Firearms.
15 Prohibit Destruction, Defacement or injury to property belonging to or being
used by the Village of Martin. To prevent unauthorized use of Village property or
16 Prohibit Drag Racing and Exhibition Driving
17 Traffic On Public Streets - Regulating and Controlling the Time of Parking
Vehicles and Trailers
18 Ordinance Limiting Parking of Motor Vehicles
19 Amendment to 12
20 Zoning Ordinance
21 Tornado Signal
24 Building Code Ordinance
25 Planning & Zoning Implementation
26 School Protection Ordinance
27 Control the Growth of all Weeds, Noxious Plants and Uncontrolled Vegetation
28 Control and Regulate the Parking or Storage of Unlicensed, Dismantled or
Partially Dismantled Motor Vehicles.
29 Regular Burning of Trash, Garbage and Other Materials.
30 Designation of Certain Streets
31 Amendment of Uniform Traffic Code
32 Special Assessment Procedure
33 Uniform Traffic Code
34 Sewer Village Rate Ordinance
35 Consumers Power Ordinance
36 Residency Requirement of Police Officers
37 Sewer Use Ordinance
38 Building Code (local inspector)
39 Mechanical Code (county inspector)
40 Electrical Code (local inspector)
41 Plumbing Code (county inspector)
42 Uniform Traffic Code
43 Dangerous Buildings
44 Tree Ordinance
45 Water Bond Ordinance
46 Water Supply System Utilities Ordinance
47 Sewer Use Ordinance 4-93
48 Electrical Code 4-94
49 Mechanical Code 4-94
50 Plumbing Code 4-94
51 Building Code 4-94
52 Michigan Gas Franchise 11-24
53 Amendment to Water Ordinance 46 2-02, 3-04
54 Cross Connection Ordinance Effective 4-1-04
55 Ordinance to Regulate Yard Sales, Garage Sales, Rummage Sales, Basement
Sales within the Village of Martin11-08
56 Ordinance to Regulate Dangerous Buildings 11-08
57 Adult Regulated Use Licensing Ordinance 11-08
58 Rental Registration & Inspection Ordinance 11-08
58-1 Amendment to Ordinance 58 7-09
59 Junk or Dismantled Vehicles Ordinance (Repeals Ordinance 28) 11-08
60 Civil Infractions Ordinance 7-09
61 Consumers Energy Company Electric Franchise Ordanance
62-A Ordinance Amending Ordinance 20: Zoning Ordinance
62-B Ordinance Amending Ordinance 20: Zoning Ordinance
62-C Ordinance Amending Ordinance 20: Zoning Ordinance 2-13
63 Ordinance Amending Ordinance 20: Zoning Ordinance 10-15
64 Ordinance Repealing Ordinance 47: Sewer Use 4-17
65 Ordinance To prohibit Marihuana Establishments and Marihuana facilities in the
Village of Maritn
66 Ordinance #66 - ORV
67 Ordinance #67 - Zoning amendment
Schedule of Civil Fines for Ordinances Violations