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Letter to Martin Residents
May 15, 2013

Martin Residents

As discussed at our March 11, 2013 Village Council meeting, the Village Council is very interested in maintaining clear and frequent communication regarding unpleasant (industrial) odors within the village.

To address (industrial) odor issues and concerns, the Village Council has created a special citizen-led task force. This task force will serve as a liaison between residents and odor-offenders. The leader of the task force is Dave Smit, who resides at 912 E. Allegan Street.

Dave has requested that all complaints and concerns regarding unpleasant odors be addressed directly to him. He will determine the source of the odor and address the complaint directly with the responsible party, as well as keeping the Village informed.

Please follow this process to help us identify the source of odors and to remedy the issue. Dave asks that you either email him or text him using the below contact information. Please use email as your first option, as this will allow Dave to keep a good record of all occurrences, as well as being respectful of his time. He will contact VanElderen immediately to inform them of the odor. Include the time of day and your location when you notice the odor, as well as the wind direction if known. All of this information will help to identify the offending process.

1. Cell phone - (616) 366-1631
2. Email - dave.peacefulroad@gmail.com

Dave will communicate with the Village as complaints are made, as well as meeting with Village officials on a monthly or quarterly basis (to be determined). In order for this process to work well, please contact Dave as soon as you notice an unpleasant odor so he can address the issue immediately and determine the source. You may also send the email to the Village Office so we can monitor the complaint process. Our email is: martinmi49070@gmail.com. Contact information for Dave Smit will be posted on the Village website soon. Please share this information with your neighbors as this mailing was made to residents closest to the industrial area.

Please remember that we do live in a farming community. Odors related to farming activities are very common and a part of living in a rural area.


Gary Brinkhuis
President, Village of Martin