Village Council
Board Minutes
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Minutes of the Village of Martin Board
September 13, 2010
Martin Village Council
Regular Meeting
September 13, 2010

The Martin Village Council met for its regular meeting on September 13, 2010, at the Martin Village Office, 1586 South Main Street, Martin, Michigan.

Call to Order and Pledge to Flag: The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by President harness, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag.

Roll Call: All members were present: Brinkhuis, Flower, Harness, Martin, Rambadt, Seiser, and Acting Clerk Merrill.

Approval of Minutes; Motion was made by Member Brinkhuis and supported by Member Rambadt to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of August 16, 2010, as submitted. Motion carried.

Recognition of Visitors: Don Rambadt was present.

Approval of Agenda: Motion was made by Member Flower and seconded by Member Martin to approve the agenda as submitted. Motion carried.

Communications: Acting Clerk Merrill presented the following:
1. Note from Don Black with copies of his monthly synopses of the August 12 and August 26 County Commission meetings.
2. Notice of Hearing for customers of Consumers Energy Company regarding a hearing on September 20, 2010, in Lansing.
3. Information from the Allegan County Community Safety Initiatives Team about a Stop Suicide Now Summit on September 30, 2010, at the First Baptist Church in Allegan.
4. Letter from Dorr Township Planning Commission regarding a training session for Planning Commissions on September 30, hosted by Dorr Township.
5. Letter from Gloria Shook, Project Coordinator of the Tools 4 Back 2 School Project with a request. (Will be addressed later in the agenda.)
6. Member Flower stated that he had been contacted by the Assessor Sherry Burd regarding a property split of Martin Township property on Templeton. It was reported that no official request had been received from the township.
7. Member Flower also presented various documents received from Marian Geib related to the Memorial Park and 1609 North Main Street.

Treasurer's Report: After review, motion was made by Member Martin and supported by Member Brinkhuis to approve the treasurer's report for August 2010 as submitted. Motion carried.

Payment of Bills: After review, motion was made by Member Martin and supported by Member Flower to pay the bills as presented with the exception of the township sewer bills from Plainwell until recalculated. Motion carried.

Department Updates/Reports:

Public Safety: Member Martin explained the presence of police in the village on Sunday, September 12. There was a March of Dimes fund raiser which included many motorcycles.

President Harness reported that he had attended the recent Martin Township meeting where the dumpster issue was discussed. Because of the untidy condition of the area and disallowed items being left at the site, Harness stated that the township is investigating a surveillance system. It was mentioned that there is also a problem with damage to the asphalt because of large trucks, which is a concern to the village. It was felt that the township needs to address the situation on a weekly basis, including having the area cleaned up.

Public Works: Member Martin reported on the following:
1. Equipment from old barn has been moved to the office area in the newly purchased garage.
2. P. W. office has been established in the new garage with desk, phone, etc.
3. A bid has been received for a furnace in the garage office.
4. One overhead door in the tractor barn is being renovated to accommodate moving of snow removal equipment.
5. New emergency flashers were added to all village vehicles for safety purposes.
6. All snow removal equipment has been or is being evaluated for readiness.
7. Chad Kraai has sealed and abandoned the well at the barn as well as the test wells, per the DEQ.

Streets: Member Martin reported on the following:
1. Cross walks and stop bars were painted before school started.
2. There is a rain water runoff problem on Templeton Street near the new elementary school construction site. Arnsman Excavating will create a drain route to get runoff water directed to the drain ditch between Allegan Street and Templeton Street.
3. Clean Earth will clean storm drains on September 16-17 to eliminate water problem on South Main Street.
4. A bid from Pavement Restoration was obtained to crack seal the main streets (Allegan and Main). The amount is $2,562. It was reported that there is also a manhole problem on Templeton Street. After discussion, a motion was made by Member Martin and seconded by Member Flower to accept the bid from Pavement Restoration to crack seal Allegan and Main Streets for $2,562, and to include an additional $2,500 for repair on Templeton Street. Motion carried.
5. Member Flower stated that the welcome sign on the west side of town is not looking good and needs repainting. This will be investigated.

Sewer/Water: Member Flower reported on the following:
1. A sewer problem in the basement at 937 East Allegan Street was reported by Phil Salingue and checked by Tim.
2. Residents at 1040 West Allegan Street have lost the home and owe over $200 on the sewer/water bill.
3. Independent Water owes over $6,000 on sewer/water bill. The business has been sold and a personal bankruptcy filed. Flower will make contact for payment.
4. Back flow letters have been mailed out. Tim is the contact person.
5. President Harness has talked to Plainwell City Manager Erik Wilson at length regarding sewer issues, including the bioxide program, the Plainwell attorney fees and the multiplier fees. Harness has also talked to Attorney Ed Annen about the same issues and gave an update on the options. There was considerable discussion concerning the 425 Agreement and the multiplier fees being charged by Plainwell on customers located in the township. Harness will contact Ed Annen and make clear the position of the village regarding the request for attorney fees and the multiplier fees.
Motion was made by Member Brinkhuis and seconded by Member Martin that President Harness respond to Plainwell that the village would make good on the offer to pay $4,500 for Plainwell's attorney fees less the multiplier fees as of the date of the 425 Agreement and that the village would no longer pay any multiplier fees. Motion carried.
It was agreed that Flower will recalculate the Plainwell bills and then a check will be cut for the amount due.
6. After communication from Tom Deneau and review of the sewer treatment possibilities, Flower proposed trying the enzyme plan through State Chemical.
Motion was made by Member Flower and supported by Member Martin to try the State Chemical enzyme treatment program and to verify with tests and follow up. Motion carried.

County Commission: Absent.

Old Business:

1. Update on New Office, 1609 North Main: Martin reported that the restroom is now usable, a bid for a furnace was obtained from Boniface Heating for $1,300, and bids were obtained from Arnsman Excavating on removing top soil from the back yard for $1,000, removing tree stumps for $200, and crushed concrete for $3,800. After discussion, motion was made by Member Martin and seconded by Member Flower to accept the bid from Boniface Heating for a gas furnace for $1,300 and to accept the bid from Arnsman Excavating to remove tree stumps for $200. Motion carried.
2. Bid Awards: Martin reported on the bids received for three contracts. The Building Committee recommends award to the following:
Contract A : Demolition of old garage - Arnsman Excavating for $7,300
Contract B: Build 46' x 60' storage building - VanderPloeg Construction for $49,995.
Contract C: Repair leach basins and concrete floor for equipment shed - VanLaan Concrete for $20,000.
Martin also reported that he is waiting for paperwork from the DEQ and that gas and electric have been disconnected. It was also stated that a variance for set back lines is needed. Recommendation was made to contact adjacent property owners.

New Business:

1. Public Works Vacation: Martin recommended the following
Vacation pay based on annual salary and years of service.
1 year - 1 week paid vacation
5 years - 2 weeks paid vacation
Vacation pay to be paid on employee's start date.
Motion was made by Brinkhuis and seconded by Rambadt to accept the recommendation for P.W. vacations. Motion carried.
2. Request from Todd MacLean: Mr. MacLean from Rural Development wants to know if the village would like to keep the loan application on the table. It was determined we would not be likely to proceed with any of the applied for possible sewer projects. Mr. MacLean will be advised of this.
3. Request from Gloria Shook: Ms. Shook is Project Coordinator of the Tools 4 Back 2 School program and has requested a donation toward the project. It was the consensus of the council that the village cannot give a financial contribution but will support the program. President Harness will respond to Ms. Shook with this information.
4. Halloween: Because Halloween falls on Sunday this year, a motion was made by Member Flower and seconded by Member Brinkhuis to observe Halloween on Saturday, October 30. Motion carried.

Recent Community Deaths: The following names were submitted: Wanita Sue Sutton, Pamela A. Mathis, Breanna K. Button, and Tommy Fenton.

Adjournment: Motion was made by Member Flower and supported by Member Martin to adjourn the meeting at 9:09 p.m. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Joyce Merrill
Acting Clerk