Village Council
Board Minutes
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Minutes of the Village of Martin Board
May 13, 2013
Village of Martin
Regular Meeting
May 13, 2013

The Martin Village Council met for its regular meeting on May 13, 2013, at the Martin Village Office, 1609 North Main Street, Martin, Michigan.

Call to Order and Pledge to Flag: President Brinkhuis called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag was recited.

Roll Call: Members present: Brinkhuis, Flower, Rambadt, Doezema, Hunt, Kelsey, Wykstra and Deputy Clerk Merrill.

Approval of Minutes: Motion made by Member Wykstra and supported by Member Rambadt to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of April 8, 2013. Motion carried.

Recognition of Visitors: Visitors present were: Don Black, County Commissioner (8:15 arrival), Don Rambadt, Bob Genetski, State Representative (7:18 arrival) and Natalie VanHouten. President Brinkhuis asked each visitor to state their purpose for attending and to discuss any issues they had for the Council to consider. Natalie informed the Council that the next library book sale will be in early November. Bob Genetski provided a legislative update from Lansing, highlighting a discussion on fixing roads and on a special Veteran driver's license.

Approval of Agenda: Motion was made by Member Flower and supported by Member Hunt to approve the agenda. Motion carried.

Communications: Clerk Doezema reviewed the following received correspondence:
(1) MSU Extension Farmers' Market Bridge Card Posters - Member Flower will drop off at Martin Resource Center
(2) Letter from MI Gas with contact information - Member Wykstra requested a copy
(3) DEQ Wellhead Protection Program - Member Flower requested a copy for action
(4) 2012 Annual Drain Report - Provide a copy to DPW
(5) Thank you note from Don and Brad Flower, for donation to Hospice
(6) Email from Don Black announcing the new Parks Supervisor
(7) State of Michigan Notices of Hearing for Consumers Energy and MI Gas Utilities
(8) Member Flower added additional communication with a discussion on email from Mi-Tech regarding fiber optic lines. Member Flower will respond.

Financial Items:

1. Treasurer's Report: Treasurer Rambadt highlighted her report, reporting that all bills have been paid and we have reconciled with bank. Treasurer Rambadt noted that we are still working on some software issues. Motion was made by Member Flower and supported by Member Wykstra to approve the report for April 2013 as submitted. Motion carried.
2. Resolution for Payment of Delinquent Taxes: Member Doezema presented Resolution 2013-5-4 for Collection of Delinquent Taxes, as allowed by Public Act 179. Motion was made by Member Doezema and supported by Member Flower that we adopt Resolution 2013-5-4. Roll call vote: Ayes - Brinkhuis, Rambadt, Kelsey, Wykstra, Flower, Hunt, Doezema. Nays - None. Absent - None. Resolution declared adopted. Resolution will be duly certified and submitted to the County Treasurer by the due date.

3. Payment of Bills: The bills were reviewed by Clerk Doezema, needing to move Schipper Farms from the General Fund to the Streets Fund. Some bills were paid prior to the meeting, due to the lateness of the meeting date. Motion was made by Member Wykstra and supported by Member Rambadt to pay the bills and any forthcoming utility bills. Motion carried.

Department Updates/Reports:

1. Public Safety: Member Hunt. Discussion on mounted patrol, which was here for the MSP Thunder Nationals. We need to pay for the monthly patrol whether we get an invoice or not.

2. Public Works: Member Wykstra discussed proposed improvements to DPW garage. Member Rambadt reported the recommendation of the Finance Committee, which was to have only the ceiling of the building done by outside contractors and the DPW employees to do the walls during their slow time of year. Motion made by Member Doezema and supported by Member Flower to accept the quote of $8800 from Vander Ploeg to do the ceiling, which would be split between the Infrastructure Fund and the Building Fund. Motion carried. Discussion of Memorial Day preparations and the need to mow the house on the corner of Elsie and Allegan Streets. Consensus of members was to get it done now and add it to the tax bill. Additional discussion on the Clark Gas Station and to send them a letter about their landscaping and weed issue.

3. Streets: Member Wykstra presented 2 quotes for road patching. One from Pavement Restoration was for $11687.28 for patching and $8400 for crack sealing. The other from A1 Asphalt was for $7370.00. Both included thermal bond. Motion made by Member Wykstra that we accept the quote from A1 and get additional quotes for crack sealing later, supported by Member Hunt. Motion carried.

4. Sewer/Water: Member Flower showed the new meter reader and reported on the installation and further training. Discussion on customer service issues. Member Flower reported that the Horizon Operations report shows good discharge from the system. As well, State Chemical measurements showed no big issues. The Lab results came from Prein & Newhof testing on BODs. The BODs were higher from the manhole where VanElderen's empties into the system, as expected. Horizon Operations will provide reports to VanElderen. Member Flower found a good used golf cart for $1000 which could be used for reading water meters, as well as occasionally hauling around small mowers, etc. Motion made by Member Wykstra that we purchase it from Member Flower, using money from the Water Fund. Motion seconded by Member Hunt. Motion carried (Member Flower abstained from the vote). Member Flower provided his budget figures. Review and approval is tabled until June meeting.

5. Finance: Treasurer Rambadt reported the results of the Finance Committee meeting. Besides the improvements to the DPW garage, the office building needs a storm door on the south side door and the building needs to have the trim painted this year.

6. Ordinance and Policy: The committee will meet prior to the June meeting to finalize a rezoning policy.

7. Civic Affairs: Member Kelsey - Reported on Memorial Day parade and activities.

8. Five Year Planning: President Brinkhuis reported on recent strategic planning conducted by Martin Township Board and County Commissioner Don Black. Discussion on whether we should have Don Black conduct the same for our council, starting in August or September. All Village Council members thought it would benefit us.

9. County Commissioner: Don Black reported and distributed synopses of the April 25 and May 9, 2013 County Commission meetings. He highlighted the upcoming Central Dispatch surcharge, updates on the new Sheriff Dept/Correction Center, and the METH resolution. Commissioner Black handed out a copy of the resolution for the Council to use, if they desired. In addition, he pointed out that he voted against a change to the board rules allowing remote attendance and voting. Commissioner Black also handed out the 2013 Equalization Report, which showed a +2.71% in property values. Commissioner Black asked us to please pass information along to our churches regarding the Kids Hope program.

Old Business:
1. Member Wykstra brought up the need for a third well, which can be discussed in the strategic planning or 5-year plan.

New Business:
1. Member Doezema provided a letter to village residents, describing the Odor Task Force and the process for reporting. President Brinkhuis signed the letter and it will be mailed.

Recent Community Deaths: The following names were submitted: Deanna Flower, Dean Hall, Evelyn Bowman, and Patricia Heil. President Brinkhuis asked Commissioner Black to lead a prayer, thinking of all the family members the Council has lost in the past few years.

Adjournment: Motion was made by Member Flower and supported by Member Doezema to adjourn the meeting at 9 p.m. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,
Darcy Doezema, Clerk