Village Council
Board Minutes
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Minutes of the Village of Martin Board
December 10, 2012
Village of Martin
Regular Meeting
December 10, 2012

The Martin Village Council met for its regular meeting on December 10 2012, at the Martin Village Office, 1609 North Main Street, Martin, Michigan.

Call to Order and Pledge to Flag: President Brinkhuis called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. According to Resolution 2012-4-1, the meeting started at 8 p.m. vice 7 p.m. Deputy Clerk Merrill explained the reason for the resolution. The Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag was recited.

Roll Call: Members present: Brinkhuis, Flower, Rambadt, Doezema, Wykstra and
Deputy Clerk Merrill.

Approval of Minutes: Motion was made by Member Flower and supported by Member Wykstra to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of November 12, 2012, as submitted. Motion carried.

Recognition of Visitors: Visitors present were: Marlene Leep, Mark Van Elderen, Don Rambadt, Alice Kelsey and Don Black, County Commissioner (arrived at 8:19 p.m.). Mark Van Elderen is requesting a variance for height of their structure and equipment/exhaust stack, to install a thermal oxidizer to address the smell from their processing. Van Elderen left a letter of request and a drawing of the proposed changes. Member Flower made a motion to approve the variance, supported by Member Rambadt. Motion carried. Member Flower will contact PCI with results of the vote.

Approval of Agenda: Member Wykstra requested an addition to Old Business, Rezoning (Van Elderen). Treasurer Rambadt requested an addition to New Business, Reformed Church. President Brinkhuis requested an addition to New Business, Scott Corbin. Motion was made by Member Wykstra and supported by Member Flower to approve the agenda as revised. Motion carried.

Communications: The following were presented:
1. Notice of UMC Community Christmas Sing-along, Dec. 16.
2. Farewell Open House for Becky Rininger, Allegan Co. Drain Commissioner, Dec. 12.
3. Charter newsletter
4. Invitation to the MI Stormwater Floodplain Association 2013 Conference, March 5-8

Financial Items:

1. Treasurer's Report: Treasurer Rambadt highlighted her report and said she still expects one tax payment to come in. All bills have been paid. Treasurer Rambadt stated that she would like an invoice or phone call when the mounted division is in town. A motion was made by Member Wykstra and supported by Member Flower to approve the report for November 2012 as submitted. Motion carried.
2. Payment of Bills: The bills were reviewed by Clerk Doezema. Discussion on whether to send the bill for the election recount to Mr. Seiser. Member Wykstra suggested we only pay a portion of the Sewer AT&T bill that is under review. Motion was made by Member Wykstra and supported by Member Flower to pay the bills as revised and any forthcoming utility bills. Motion carried.
3. Computer Software Update: Deputy Clerk Merrill reported that she, Treasurer Rambadt, and Member Flower met with two representatives of BS&A on November 19. BS&A asked questions in order to start the conversion process. Deputy Clerk Merrill is currently working on a spreadsheet for BS&A, at their request. Training on the new system starts the first full week of January.

Department Updates/Reports:

1. Public Safety: Jon Schipper requested that Cory Coburn be asked to be the Constable. President Brinkhuis will ask Coburn.

2. Public Works: Member Wykstra reported that the work done by Westendorp on the truck was originally just supposed to be the water pump but additional work was needed. The bill received reflects the additional work done. Member Wykstra proposed that the Village pay the Public Works employees a Christmas bonus of $150 each. Member Wykstra made a motion, supported by Member Flower, to give the bonuses. Motion carried.

3. Streets: Member Wykstra reported the need for a meeting of the Street Committee after appointments are made to the various committees. Nothing else is happening at this time.

4. Sewer/Water: Member Flower reported on a meeting held Dec. 4 at the City of Plainwell with the City Manager, Erik Wilson. Also in attendance were Clerk Doezema, Member Wykstra, Bryan Pond and Rick Updike. The City of Plainwell issued a Notice of Violation (NOV) for recent sewer problems, as well as presenting an ordinance to address future situations. The amount due to City of Plainwell is $9836.67 for the most recent NOV and legal fees. Copies were forwarded to Ed Annen for review. Member Flower read the response from Annen, telling the Village they need to pay it. President Brinkhuis expressed concern over this issue and questioned how long we can expect to pay these fines. President Brinkhuis will contact past president Harness to discuss the previous NOV and whether we should invoice Van Elderen, as well as discussing our most recent NOV. Member Flower will contact Engineer Tom Deneau to see if testing should be done at the manhole closest to the Van Elderen facility, and how to proceed with that. Mike Van Elderen will be contacted regarding both NOVs and be given a copy of the letter from City of Plainwell. It was suggested that we need a formal agreement with Van Elderen that they will pay all future fines and surcharges. Member Flower reported on attending the joint sewer meeting later in the afternoon on Dec. 4, 2012 with Member Wykstra. As well, Flower reported that local meter reading and billing is going okay but we should ask for a new reader in the next budget.

5. County Commissioner: Don Black reported that there have been no meetings since November 8 so he has nothing to pass on.

Old Business:
1. Sewer Back Up Plan - Information received from Tom Rook is complicated. Member Wykstra says the new committee needs to meet and discuss it.

2. DEQ Recommendations - Water System: Member Flower had no report.

3. Christmas Parade: Member Rambadt reported that the parade went well.

4. Rezoning - Before Van Elderen can purchase adjacent land, a legal description is needed for rezoning. Discussion held on the rezoning question, noting that the additional tax revenue will make up for that lost in town due to the school acquisition of the former Boysen building and lot. Further discussion on making rezoning contingent on Van Elderen addressing the odor issue. Question asked as to whether anyone on the council had knowledge of a petition being circulated, to stop the rezoning effort? No one knew of any petition at this time. A straw vote was taken to see if the rezoning is likely to be passed. All voting members indicated they would vote "yes".

New Business:
1. Trustee Vacancies: President Brinkhuis will talk to former president Harness to ask whether he is interested in one of the trustee vacancies. Member Wykstra moved that Alice Kelsey be appointed to one of the trustee vacancies. Supported by Clerk Doezema. Motion carried.
2. Reformed Church: Inquiries have been made by church officials regarding the possibility of connecting to the water lines. No action at this time; however, if they cannot solve their well issues they will need more information on location of leads, costs, etc.
3. Scott Corbin: President Brinkhuis expressed concerns on the Village emergency preparedness. Discussion held on whether the county's emergency plan includes our village specifically. Member Wykstra will contact Scott Corbin to get a copy of the county plan and will contact the Martin Fire Department to review their plans.

Recent Community Deaths: The following names were submitted: Greg Alexander, Eleanor Priest, Wilma Dalrymple, Helen Buyce, and James Shoemaker.

Adjournment: Motion was made by Member Flower and supported by Member Wykstra to adjourn the meeting at 9:25 p.m. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Darcy Doezema