Village Council
Board Minutes
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Minutes of the Village of Martin Board
December 9, 2013
Village of Martin
Regular Meeting
December 9, 2013

The Martin Village Council met for its regular meeting on December 9, 2013, at the Martin Village Office, 1609 North Main Street, Martin, Michigan.

Call to Order and Pledge to Flag: President Brinkhuis called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag was recited.

Roll Call: Members present: Brinkhuis, Flower, Doezema, Wykstra, Kelsey, Hunt and Deputy Clerk Merrill. Member Rambadt was absent.

Approval of Minutes: Motion made by Member Wykstra and supported by Member Flower to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of November 11, 2013, as presented. Motion carried.

Recognition of Visitors: Visitors present were: Don Black, County Commissioner. President Brinkhuis asked the visitor to state his purpose for attending and to discuss any issues they had for the Council to consider. Commissioner Black deferred until later in the agenda.

Approval of Agenda: Member Doezema presented the agenda. Motion was made by Member Flower and supported by Member Wykstra to approve the agenda with additions. Motion carried.

Communications: Clerk Doezema reviewed the following received correspondence:

1. Email from Natalie Van Houten regarding the Library book sale.
2. Email from Karen Larson regarding the Mounted Division.
3. Request from Elizabeth Turner to post an education link on the Village website. Member Doezema moved to add the link. Member Wykstra supported. Motion carried.

Financial Items:

1. Treasurer's Report: Deputy Clerk Merrill gave the Treasurer's report, reporting that all bills have been paid and we have reconciled with bank. Motion was made by Member Wykstra and supported by Member Hunt to approve the report for November 2013 as submitted. Motion carried.

2. Payment of Bills: The bills were reviewed by Clerk Doezema. Some bills were paid prior to the meeting, to ensure payment by due date. Discussion on holding the Kraai bill until the work is complete. Motion was made by Member Wykstra and supported by Member Hunt to pay the bills, with the exception of the Kraai bill, and any forthcoming utility bills. Motion carried.

Department Updates/Reports:

1. Public Safety: Member Wykstra attended a county meeting regarding emergency management. Member Wykstra will set up a meeting with President Brinkhuis and Member Hunt to discuss plans and next steps.
2. Public Works: Member Wykstra discussed recent expenditures for the new truck. Also discussed the advertisement requesting bids on selling the old truck, for which we would like at least $5000. Bids will be received until December 27.
3. Streets: Member Wykstra reported that all paperwork has been submitted to the State for the Main Street resurfacing and MDOT reports it is eligible for funding, as well as being vetted through the historic preservation criteria. Member Wykstra also will be getting a price to fix Templeton St., which will improve the water runoff in that area. Member Flower reported that some street lights are out and he will make a list of all those affected.
4. Sewer/Water: Member Flower discussed the Kraai bill for the pump rebuild. The water continues to test for contaminates so the pump has not yet cleared. The SAW grant application has been submitted, with results announced in April. The new impellers are in and Horizon Operations is installing them. Discussion on sewer hook up for Larry Harness. All indications are that it is his responsibility to pay the entire bill. Member Flower and Member Doezema will research some data and provide to President Brinkhuis to present to resident Harness. Member Flower reported on the recent joint sewer meeting in Plainwell.
5. Finance: Deputy Clerk Merrill reported on a recent meeting with financial planner Jim Buetow and discussed the Village investment policy. Member Doezema will ask BS&A if there are charges for changes to our software, such as eliminating banks.
6. Ordinance and Policy: Member Doezema had no report.
7. Civic Affairs: Member Doezema reported that the parade went well and the number of people attending and participating seemed to be up.
8. Five Year Planning: The issue of the old Boysen building is being addressed by Ken Bleeker and a business/municipality task force he has assembled. Member Flower reported on the first meeting. Some estimates show approximately $35,000 to demolish the building. Discussion on whether the Village could/would contribute toward that effort. Question arose as to whether we could use any money in the Water Special account. No action taken at this time, until contributions are made by other entities. There will be a follow up meeting on Dec. 17 at 5 p.m.
9. County Commissioner: County Commissioner Don Black provided a synopses of the November 14 Board of Commissioners meeting, highlighting Valley Millage and public comments on what to do with the old jail. He also reported on a letter sent from Erik Wilson, Plainwell City Manager, to Wayland Township regarding their proposed waste treatment plant, and reported on current tours of the new jail facility.

Old Business: None

New Business:
DPW Christmas Bonus - Discussion on how much of a bonus to give the DPW workers this year. The 2012 bonus was $150/each. Member Wykstra said that was not enough and proposed $300/each. After further discussion, $200/each was determined to be a fair amount. Member Wykstra moved that we pay both Eichler and Schaafsma $200 each in a bonus. Supported by Member Flower. Motion carried.
2. Christmas/Appreciation Dinner - Discussion on whether to have a celebration this year. Commissioner Black weighed in that other municipalities routinely do appreciation dinners. Member Doezema will research dates and locations and present to the Council in January, for a January or February gathering.
3. Contributions - Member Flower discussed the recent Christmas tree light purchase by the school. It ended up being far more than they had planned and the school has requested some of the local groups to help pay. The Martin Lions club contributed $100 and the Martin Area Veterans contributed $100. At this time, the Township has not yet voted but they are being asked as well. Motion made by Member Wykstra to have the Village pay the remainder of what is owed, after the Township makes their contribution. Motion seconded by Member Doezema. Motion carried. Member Flower will follow up with the Township.

Recent Community Deaths: The following names were submitted: Edythe Rockhold, Edward Regnier, and Charles Tandy.

Adjournment: Motion was made by Member Doezema and supported by Member Wykstra to adjourn the meeting at 8:38 p.m. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,
Darcy Doezema, Clerk