Village Council
Board Minutes
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Minutes of the Village of Martin Board
September 12, 2011
Martin Village Council
Regular Meeting
September 12, 2011

The Martin Village Council met for its regular meeting on September 12, 2011, at the Martin Village Office, 1609 North Main Street, Martin, Michigan.

Call to Order and Pledge to Flag: President Harness called the meeting to order at 7:33 p.m., followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag.

Roll Call: Members present: Brinkhuis, Flower, Harness, Martin, Rambadt, J. Seiser and Deputy Clerk Merrill. Clerk K. Seiser was absent.

Approval of Minutes: Motion was made by Member Flower and supported by Member Brinkhuis to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of August 8, 2011, as submitted. Motion carried.

Recognition of Visitors: Don Rambadt was present. County Commissioner Don Black arrived at 7:38 p.m.

Approval of Agenda: One item was added to New Business: Property at 912 East Allegan. Motion was made by Member Flower and supported by Member Martin to approve the agenda as amended. Motion carried.

Communications: The following were presented:
1. Written resignation from Lori Martin dated August 15, 2011, submitting her two week notice that she would no longer be cleaning the village office, effective August 29, 2011.
2. Notice from the Michigan Liquor Control Commission that Landko Corporation (Clark station) has requested to transfer ownership of their liquor license.
3. E-mail from Allegan County Sheriff about their "Sheriff's Beat" being offered to better communicate the happenings of Allegan County. Several daily reports were distributed.
4. Notice from the DEQ proposing to reissue a discharge permit to the City of Plainwell for their Wastewater Treatment Plant.
5. Letter from Zeeland City Mayor Lester Hoogland reminding officials of the Michigan Municipal League Annual Convention to be held October 5-7 in Grand Rapids.
6. Letter from MISS DIG System with invitation to the 17th Annual Membership Meeting on October 7 in Mt. Pleasant, Michigan.
7. E-mails from MDOT about the Allegan County M222 road closures, one in the City of Allegan and one on the overpass at US 131.

Financial Items:
1. Treasurer's Report: Treasurer Rambadt stated that all funds reconcile with the bank. After review, motion was made by member Flower and seconded by Member Martin to approve the Treasurer's Report for August 2011 as submitted. Motion carried.
2. Payment of Bills: Several bills were added. Due to the balance in the Sewer Maintenance Fund, Treasurer Rambadt recommended that three bills be paid from the Sewer Capital Improvement Fund as follows: Clean Earth, $12,775.05; Main-Tech Services, $7,106.50; and Wightman & Associates, $1,040.00. Motion was made by Member Brinkhuis and supported by Member Martin, to pay the bills with additions and to pay the three bills designated from the Sewer Capital Improvement Fund. Motion carried.
3. Updates from PNC Bank and BS&A Software: Deputy Clerk Merrill stated that PNC Bank has changed the fees charged from the General Fund to the Sewer/Water Fund. Also the FDIC insurance is $250,000 per ID number. The village has three accounts but only one ID number. PNC has also submitted a copy of the Village Charter to their Legal Department for an opinion on possible investments.

Deputy Clerk Merrill and Treasurer Rambadt met with BS&A Software representative Jamie Truchan on August 19 who provided information on the various programs offered and explained the annual service and support as well as costs. The estimate given was $9,625, which could vary depending on the number of programs used and training needed. The cost can be spread over two years interest free. Merrill was instructed to check on the possibility of a demo from BS&A.

Department Updates/Reports:
1. Public Safety: Brinkhuis reported that the Mounted Division had been in town twice this month. Martin will get man hours from the Sheriff Department.
Brinkhuis requested two radios from the Martin Fire Department to be used for fire emergencies.
Harness has been in communication with Scott Corbin regarding grant funding. He will sign a letter making the village eligible for possible grants.
Flower reported that the back up battery for the traffic signal had died. He will contact the City of Wyoming about a replacement and an estimate for maintenance. He will also ask about a back up battery for the water system.
2. Public Works: Martin reported that the tractor needs two front steer tires which will cost $325 each. Motion was made by Martin and supported by Brinkhuis to purchase two front steer tires for the tractor at $325 each. Motion carried.
Martin also reported that the bumper post and hand rail behind the village office need to be painted. The bumper post will be painted yellow and the hand rail will be dark brown.
Martin stated that there are two file cabinets in the P.W. garage that need to be moved and wanted to know where to put them. They will be put in the basement of the village office.
It was stated that a handicap spot is needed in the concrete area of the office parking lot and that the leaf vacuum is being serviced and prepared for the fall leaf collection.
3. Streets: Martin reported that the crosswalks on major and local streets have been painted. He also stated that he had requested quotes for crack sealing and black top repair. He has only received one from Mike Anderson as follows: Major Streets, $3,185; Local Street, $1,304; Repair by Clark station, $450; Parking lot by water tower, $7,500.
After review and discussion, motion was made by Brinkhuis and seconded by Flower that Martin use the lowest bid received for major and local street repair and crack sealing. Motion carried.
Flower had received a complaint about a sewer cap on West Allegan Street which is loose and "rattles" the homes when traffic goes over the cap. This will be investigated.
4. Sewer/Water: Flower reported on the following:
a. Pumping reports from Tim, who would like another flush of the sewer system.
b. VanElderen BOD readings. There was discussion on various reports regarding the VanElderen issue, and it was agreed that more clarification is needed from Plainwell.
c. Several water shut offs were done at vacant properties.
d. Still having some problems with billing.
e. Council's thoughts on rebuilding pump #1 at the wellhouse. Martin stated that he had contacted Chad Kraai of Kraai Well Drilling and told him that the village is leaning toward having Peerless-Midwest rebuild the pump but would like Kraai observe the project so that they could be more involved in future repairs. Kraai indicated that he would be very willing to be present during the rebuild to gain more knowledge at no cost to the village. After further discussion, it was agreed that the maintenance on the pump should be done and avoid the risk of failure in the system. Motion was made by Flower and supported by Martin to have Peerless-Midwest rebuild pump #1 at a cost of $10,000-$20,000 and have Kraai Well Drilling observe and supervise the project. Motion carried.
f. Harness stated that he would like a sewer/water committee meeting to discuss the billing of township sewer customers regarding the process for recouping legal expenses. He also reported that he had been contacted by Nate Vriesman of Prein & Newhof who would like to speak to the council about tank and tower inspection. Harness was given permission to invite Mr. Vriesman to a meeting.
5. County Commissioner: Don Black distributed synopses of the Allegan County Commission meetings of August 25 and September 8. He highlighted budget cutting and the Department of Human Services and welfare in Allegan County. The DHS has a new director, Andrew Zylstra.

Old Business:
1. Update on Independent Water: President Harness stated that he gave information to Ed Annen and is waiting for a response.
2. Tree Bids: After review of the bids, motion was made by Brinkhuis and seconded by Flower to accept the quote from Hayward Logging for $1,800 to harvest three trees, two walnut and one cherry at the wellhouse. Motion carried.
3. Office Sign: There is still no word from Cronen Signs. Flower will follow up with them.

New Business:
1. Halloween: The holiday will be observed on Monday, October 31.
2. Payment to Township: Brinkhuis had been given a schedule of hours worked by various firemen to assist the P.W. employees with sewer flushing and traffic control for street painting. After discussion, motion was made by Flower and supported by Martin to pay $15.00 per hour for the assistance from the firemen for sewer flushing and traffic control, 44 hours from the sewer fund and 9 hours from the street fund. Motion carried.
3. 912 East Allegan: Word had been received that the resident at 912 East Allegan, David Smit, wants to provide foster care but is not connected to the water system. Because it is not clear who is the owner of the property, PCI has been contacted and is investigating. There is also concern about a home being built in Hidden Ponds and whether it is near a water line. PCI is also investigating this situation.

Recent Community Death: The following names were submitted: Donna L. Wolfe, Mildred Lucy Wuis, Allie Lester, Florence Elaine Zeinstra, Kathleen Washburn, and Ila Moored.

Adjournment: Motion was made by J. Seiser and seconded by Brinkhuis to adjourn at 9:06 p.m. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Joyce Merrill
Deputy Clerk