Minutes of the Village of Martin Board
September 10, 2012
Village of Martin
Regular Meeting
September 10, 2012
The Martin Village Council met for its regular meeting on September 10, 2012, at
the Martin Village Office, 1609 North Main Street, Martin, Michigan.
Call to Order and Pledge to Flag: Vice-President Brinkhuis called the meeting to order
at 7:07 p.m., followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag.
Roll Call: Members present: Brinkhuis, Flower, Rambadt, J. Seiser and Deputy Clerk
Merrill. Member Wykstra arrived at 8:20 p.m. Members absent: Harness, Clerk K. Seiser.
Approval of Minutes: Motion was made by Member Flower and supported by Member J.
Seiser to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of August 13, 2012, as submitted.
Motion carried.
Recognition of Visitors: Present were Darcy Doezema, Marlene Leep and Don Rambadt.
Alice Kelsey arrived at 7:20 p.m., and Don Black arrived at 7:47 p.m.
Marlene Leep gave an update on the township library, reporting that $1,000 had been
received from the Gun Lake Casino, more teens are participating, and the summer reading
program went very well.
Darcy Doezema reported that the community garden is going well. A grant was received,
and students are getting involved for community service.
Don Flower stated that he had contacted the Health Department regarding the Farmers
Market and learned that they are regulated by the Michigan Department of Agriculture. He
is trying to call the Otsego Chamber of Commerce to ask how they regulate their market.
Approval of Agenda: Motion was made by Member Flower and seconded by Member
Rambadt to approve the agenda as submitted. Motion carried.
Communications: The following were presented:
1. Invitation from the Allegan County Board of Commissioners to a Leadership Conference
being held on October 31, 2012, at Luella Collins Community Center, Wayland. The event
is focusing on Engagement: Learning to Live, Work and Play in a Bigger Space.
2. E-mail from Michael Welsh asking about the burned out house owned by Ken Harthorn
on West Allegan Street and whether any action is planned by the village. Discussion
followed on various options, possibly a letter to Mr. Harthorn asking his intentions
regarding the house. It was suggested that caution tape be put up for safety reasons,
especially around Halloween. A reply will be sent to Mr. Welsh.
3. Member Flower stated that he had received a call from Martin Public Schools that a
meeting is being held on Wednesday, September 12, at 10:00 a.m. regarding the donation
of the grocery store, and they would like a representative from the village to attend.
Members Flower and Wykstra will attend the meeting.
Financial Items:
1. Treasurer's Report: Treasurer Rambadt stated that summer taxes are coming in
slowly. She asked about billing for Dover Farms, which will be discussed later. Motion was
made by Member Flower and supported by Member J. Seiser to approve the Treasurer's
Report for August as submitted. Motion carried.
2. Payment of Bills: After the addition of several bills, motion was made by Member
Flower and supported by Member J. Seiser to pay the bills as submitted with additions
and any forthcoming utility bills. Motion carried.
3. Computer Software Quotes: Deputy Clerk Merrill presented information and quotes
from CPW and BS&A. She reminded the council that it had been recommended not to
change software programs until the audit was complete but before the end of a calendar
year. Therefore, if a change is needed, now would be a good time. BS&A had presented a
demonstration of their program last October. Merrill had called and requested an updated
quote. The quote from October 2011 was approximately $12,500, and the recent one dated
September 7, 2012, was $20,960. When questioned about the difference, BS&A stated
that the original quote did not include utility billing, which was almost $5,000 additional. It
was pointed out that there could be several variable figures, depending on training, etc. The
CPW quote was for $23,000. After considerable discussion, a motion was made by
Member Flower and supported by Member Rambadt to accept the quote of BS&A. Motion
carried. Deputy Clerk Merrill will contact BS&A with the decision.
Department Updates/Reports:
1. Public Safety: Brinkhuis reported that he had received a call from the Allegan County
Mounted Division thanking the village for the extra money for B93. There was also an
update on the traffic flow congestion in the village due to the serious accident on
September 4 near the 131 exit.
2. Public Works: It was reported that the dump truck needs front tires and will be taken to
Martin Tire.
3. Streets: Flower reported on the bids for repair of the collapsed drain on West Allegan
Street. At the recommendation of Tom Deneau of Wightman & Associates, bids were
requested from three contractors. Only two submitted bids, Balkema Excavating, Inc.,
$8,980.50, and Steve's Excavation, $9,720.00. Because Balkema Excavating has been
awarded the bid for the sewer cleanout project, Mr. Deneau recommended that the village
approve a change order with Balkema Excavating, Inc. for the storm drain repair in the
amount of $8,980.50. Motion was made by Member Flower and supported by Member J.
Seiser to accept the bid of Balkema Excavating, Inc. of $8,980.50 to repair the collapsed
storm drain on West Allegan Street. Motion carried.
4. Sewer/Water: The following was reported:
A. Flower reiterated the information from the August meeting regarding the water meter
reader problem, the quote from Etna of $9,700 and the soon to expire support from
Sensus. He has not found other companies who provide the needed equipment. He will
check with BS&A on a reading program.
B. Flower read a letter from Mike Van Elderen dated September 7, 2012, with an update
on their progress on wastewater treatment, including what has been done and what is
currently being done to further reduce the BOD. Brinkhuis also stated that he had spoken
with Mike and explained the improvements which have been made at Van Elderen.
C. Flower gave an update on the Joint Sewer meeting on September 6, and reported that
he was advised that there will be another fine imposed by Plainwell for violation of their
sewer use ordinance, which will be passed on to Van Elderen.
D. Flower reported that the proposed rest area on U.S. 131 between Martin and Plainwell
has been shelved by the state.
E. Flower gave a report on Dover Farms, stating that they had found a water leak last
spring in the back of the property and asked about a discount on their water bill. Flower
indicated that there would be no discount on the water readings, but possibly a discount
on sewer because the leak had not gone into the system. Flower had met with John Caron
and others from Dover Farms on September 7 to discuss the problem. Dover Farms had
an analysis of sewer consumption from March through July showing the difference
between 2011 and 2012, which indicated several thousand more gallons for the months in
2012. It was noted that the village receives monthly readings from Dover Farms, and it was
strongly suggested that the village read the meter, which would require the installation of a
pad. Flower will investigate the possibility of doing this. There was also discussion on fire
hydrants, insurance rates and the history of the sewer and water lines to Dover Farms.
F. Treasurer Rambadt asked about unpaid water assessment on homes being sold. It is
required that the assessment be paid off when sold, but the village is not always aware of
property sales before closings. There is at least one home currently in the process of a
sale, and a letter will be sent reminding the owner about the requirement.
5. County Commissioner: Commissioner Black distributed a synopsis of the August 23
County Commission meeting and highlighted several items, including the addition of 3
deputies and budget review. Mr. Black also mentioned a meeting to be held September 20
regarding the Kalamazoo River Super Fund Site.
Old Business:
1. Office Sign: Member Flower had three quotes for an outdoor office sign, as follows:
Valley Sign, $625.00; Postema, $750.00; Signwriter, $580.00. He stated that each would
be similar to the directional school signs. After a brief discussion, motion was made by
Member Flower and supported by Member Wykstra to accept the bid of Signwriter for
$580.00. Motion carried.
2. Sidewalk Repair: Member Brinkhuis reported that Les Lynema had asked about
additional sidewalk on the east side of North Main Street to Hidden Pond Drive because of
walking students. Brinkhuis will investigate the possibility as well as needed repairs.
3. DEQ Follow Up Recommendations: There has been no follow up yet to the
recommendations made by Wood Chooi of the Michigan DEQ.
4. Compensation Review: Council was reminded that, according to the Charter, any
changes in compensation for council members or appointees need to be made before the
beginning of new terms of office because the rate or amount of compensation cannot be
altered during any term of office. It was agreed to address this issue at the October
New Business: None.
Recent Community Deaths: The following names were submitted: Steven J. Weller and
Wilmer "Web" Patrick.
Other: Don Rambadt stated that there would be a meeting on October 25 at the Martin
Township Hall regarding the future of the Martin Post Office.
Adjournment: Motion was made by Member Wykstra and seconded by Member Flower
to adjourn the meeting at 8:46 p.m. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Joyce Merrill
Deputy Clerk