Minutes of the Village of Martin Board
July 11, 2011
Village of Martin
Regular Meeting
July 11, 2011
The Martin Village Council met for its regular meeting on July 11, 2011,
at the Martin Village Office, 1609 North Main Street, Martin, Michigan.
Call to Order and Pledge to Flag: President Harness called the meeting to
order at 7:30 p.m., followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag.
Roll Call: Members present: Brinkhuis, Flower, Harness, Martin, J. Seiser, and
Clerk K. Seiser. Member Rambadt and Deputy Clerk Merrill were absent.
Approval of Minutes: Motion was made by Member Flower and seconded by
Member Martin to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of June 13,
2011, as submitted. Motion carried.
Recognition of Visitors: Don Rambadt was present. Don Black arrived at 7:37
p.m., and Judge Joseph Skocelas arrived at 7:50 p.m.
Approval of Agenda: Motion was made by Member Flower and supported by
Member Martin to approve the agenda. Motion carried.
Communications: The follow were presented:
1. Thank you card from resident Rebecca Abbott on the way the B-93 bash
was handled with addition security and clean up.
2. Clerk Seiser reported on an email that was sent from the U.S. Census
Bureau regarding Field Management Reforms to Reduce Cost and Enhance
Data Quality. They wanted to inform us on some changes that will be
happening over the next 18 months to reduce cost.
3. Clerk Seiser presented a letter from Protec. Protec has worked on behalf of
local government across Michigan to address a variety of right of way issues
facing out state. The letter stated some things they do for the community
and would like and need support by becoming a member or renewing our
community's annual membership. Harness recommended that we do not renew
the membership.
4. Received a ballot for the 2011 MML Workers Compensation fund trustees
with information on the candidates. Clerk was instructed to cast ballot and
Financial Items:
1. Treasurer's Report: Clerk Seiser reported that everything reconciled with
the bank per phone conversation with Deputy Clerk Merrill on 7-10-11. Motion
was made by Member Flower and seconded by Member Martin to accept the
Treasurer's Report for June as submitted. Motion carried.
2. Payment of Bills: After review, made a change with the donation of the
mounted division instead of paying $500 we will pay $250 due to the reduced
man hours from 130 to 42. Motion was made by Member Martin and supported
by Member J. Seiser to approve payment of the bills with the two changes
one to the mounted division from $500 to $250 and deleting the bill for Protec
annual dues and any forthcoming utility bills. Motion carried.
3. Closing Update: Harness reported on the Capitalization Policy. The Board
members will review and discuss at the next meeting. It's a recommendation
from Yeo & Yeo that we should adopt the policy for part of our closing on how
we do our book keeping. This will be the first reading. Next meeting we will
have a second reading then decide if we want to adopt it.
Department Updates/Reports:
1. Public Safety: Member Brinkhuis reported that the mounted division was
here on Saturday July 9 at 3:00 p.m. until 7:30 p.m. with four horses. Martin
and Brinkhuis spoke with Captain Karen with the mounted division discussing
paying a donation to the mounted division between $150-$200 every time
they come to Martin for patrolling football games or for any other additional
security we need them for. If we don't have anything specific they it was
suggested that they come in for a town ride like they did last Saturday. The
board will review our public safety budget and discuss it again at the next
meeting. Motion made by member Brinkhuis and supported by member J.
Seiser to give a donation for $150 to the mounted division for Saturday July
9. Motion Carried.
2. Public Works: Member Martin stated not much to report on public works.
3. Streets: Member Martin stated not much to report on streets.
4. Sewer/Water: The following items were discussed:
a. Member Flower stated that Plainwell will be raising their rates.
b. Reviewed the handouts on waste water rate analysis and actual figures on
revenue and expenses for last year for sewer and water.
c. Brinkhuis talked with VanElderen about setting up a meeting with Tom
Deneau regarding concerns about continued high BOD's.
d. Discussion on pump rebuild.
e. Flower stated a resident sold their house without hooking up to water.
Flower will send a letter and copy of the ordinance the new owners stating
they need to connect to water. The new owners are obligated to connect
accordinating to the Ordinance and need to contact the Village on the date
they plan on connecting.
f. Clean Earth is coming back to clean the sewer drains. Martin explained that
gravel was getting trapped in the low spots in the drains between here and
Plainwell. It was discussed that another lift station may be needed.
g. Harness presented an email from Tom Deneau on sewer rates and
evaluation. It stated that a sewer increase is needed on our part to stay up
on repairs. Harness stated that Tom Deneau would like to meet with the
sewer committee to review this email. The sewer committee will meet with
Tom and make recommendations to the board for the next meeting. Brinkhuis
will contact Tom and set up a double meeting regarding sewer issues.
h. Brinkhuis reported that Tim Hildebrand may have a leak somewhere. Stated
his water bill has been higher than usual. Harness suggested putting a new
meter in and monitoring it. It was agreed to put a new meter in and check out
his sprinkler system.
Honorable Judge Joe Skocelas: Joe Skocelas dropped off an Annual report
of the 57th district court. He reported on crime rates going down and
discussed new community service programs.
Joe Skocelas discussed new programs at the jail for example people that get
sent to jail for first offense drug use and domestic violence can choose to
work with the jail and pay to do Community Service work. It keeps people
working and out of jail. If they don't show up for Community Service then a
bench warrant is sent out and they go to jail.
When people can't afford to pay for fines and court costs the court ends up
paying for them. Now people have the option to do community service to pay
off their debt. They get $10.00 credit towards their debt for every hour of
Community Service they perform.
Joe Skocelas also stated they started a school program in 2007 and Martin
High School is the only school in the county they don't use. Joe stated he
contacted Martin High School but the principal never responded back. The
Village will contact the High School and have the principal contact Joe if
interested in the program. If any questions for Joe Skocelas he left his card
with his phone number and email address.
County Commissioner: Don Black distributed synopses on the June 23, 2011
County Commission meetings. He then reported that Allegan County no longer
has a planning commission to save money. They will talk about having one
again in the future.
Old Business:
1. Independent Water: We have had no communication with anybody from
Independent Water. It was discussed that small claims court be an option to
get back at least half of what they owe. $3,000 is the maximum you can get
from small claims court. Motion was made by Brinkhuis to instruct Attorney Ed
Annen to send a legal notice to Independent Water before we proceed with
small claims court and seconded by Martin. Motion carried.
New Business:
1. Capitalization policy: First reading.
2. Jeff Curry: Martin reported that Jeff Curry is interested in buying three
walnut trees by the water pump house. Jeff Curry gave a bid for $1800 for
the three trees. Had a discussion on pursuing it and getting one more bid.
3. Signs: Member Flower will check in to purchasing signs for the new office.
Flower will bring quotes to the next meeting.
4. Pump #1: discussion on bids from Chad Kraai and Peerless for a
replacement of a pump. Chad Kraai had a bid for $19,356 and Peerless had a
bid for $10,000 - $20,000.
Recent Community Deaths: Two names were submitted - Esther L. Draper
and Paul McFarland.
Adjournment: Motion was made by Martin and seconded by Flower to
adjourn the meeting at 9:15 p.m. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Kelly Seiser