Village Council
Board Minutes
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Minutes of the Village of Martin Board
June 14, 2010
Martin Village Council
Regular Meeting
June 14, 2010

The Martin Village Council met for its regular meeting on June 14, 2010, at the Martin Village Office, 1586 South Main Street, Martin, Michigan.

Call to Order and Pledge to Flag: The meeting was called to order at 7:46 p.m. by Vice-President Brinkhuis, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag.

Roll Call: Members present: Brinkhuis, Flower, Rambadt, Acting Clerk Merrill. Member Seiser arrived at 8:00 p.m. and Member Martin arrived at 8:15 p.m.

Approval of Minutes: Motion was made by Member Rambadt and seconded by Member Flower to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of May 10, 2010, and the minutes of the public hearing on May 19, 2010, as submitted. Motion carried.

Recognition of Visitors: Don Rambadt and Don Black were present.

Approval of Agenda: One item was added to New Business: Building Code Violations. Motion was made by Member Rambadt and seconded by Member Flower to approve the agenda with addition. Motion carried.

Communications: The following were presented:
1. Letter from Michigan Department of Energy, Labor & Economic Growth regarding construction code services, along with names of officials and inspectors who did not apply for reregistration.
2.Note from Don Black expressing his thanks for the opportunity to participate in the Memorial Day activities.
3.Information about the Michigan Rural Water Association Equipment Expo 2010 on August 26 at the Ionia County Free Fairgrounds.
4.Reminder of the deadline for village candidate petitions which is August 10 for the November 2 election. Officers needing to run: President, Clerk, Treasurer and two Trustees.
5.Correspondence concerning building code violations at 1016 West Allegan. This will be discussed under new business.

Treasurer’s Report: After review, motion was made by Member Flower and supported by Member Martin to approve the treasurer’s report for May 2010 as submitted. Motion carried.

Payment of Bills: After review, motion was made by Member Rambadt and seconded by Member Seiser to approve payment of the bills as presented. Motion carried.

Department Updates/Reports:

Public Safety: There was an update and discussion on the concerns related to the B93 Birthday Bash to be held June 19-20 at the U.S. 131 Motor Sports Park. Martin stated that he had talked to the mounted division and that there would be several uniformed officers on duty both days. It was noted that Ron VanDenBerg will be in charge of emergency services. There has been cooperation between the village and township regarding the potential issues with the event.
It was agreed that a fee of $500 would be given to the mounted division from the public safety fund.

Phone Call: At this point President Harness called and gave updates on the sewer agreement with the township and requested that Member Flower calculate the surcharge overpayment total and deduct that from the request for attorney fees. The 425 Agreement with the township can be signed after June 18. Harness also gave a brief update on the property acquisition stating that a closing date has not yet been set.

Public Works: Member Martin informed the council that he had been in contact with the DEQ regarding demolition of the old P. W. barn. An asbestos inspection had been done and determined that there was no asbestos. Martin would like to continue with the process and advertise for bids to demolish the barn. There are several forms to complete. After further discussion, motion was made by Member Flower and seconded by Member Seiser to authorize Rick Martin to continue with the barn demolition process. Motion carried.

Streets: Martin reported that the P.W. employees worked very hard to prepare the village for the Memorial Day activities, including street cleaning and painting traffic lines. It was also reported that a tree near 1610 North Main had been struck by lightning and needs to be removed at an approximate cost of $550.

County Commissioner: Commissioner Black distributed synopses of meetings on May 13, May 27 and June 10, including several pages with questions and answers regarding the new jail and ballot language for the bond proposition proposal to be voted on at the August election. Black noted several items from the meetings, including the purchase of 9 road patrol vehicles and the Sheriff Department agreement to reimburse Martin Township for law enforcement expenses related to the B93 Birthday Bash.

Sewer/Water: Flower reported that it seems there have been big improvements with the new addition to the sewer lines. There was discussion on the details of the process and additional testing needed to confirm the improvement.

Old Business:

1. Property Acquisition Closing: Still waiting for word on the closing for 1609 North Main Street.

New Business:

1. Property Tax Resolution: After explanation of the tax millage information from the Allegan County Equalization Department, motion was made by Member Flower and supported by Member Martin to adopt Resolution 2010-6-3, establishing the 2010 tax levy at 8.9609 mills.
Roll call vote: Ayes – Seiser, Martin, Brinkhuis, Flower, Rambadt.
Nays – None.
Absent – Harness.
Resolution declared adopted.

2. Building Code Violations:
Update was given and correspondence read concerning the building code violations at 1016 West Allegan Street, owned by Ken Harthorn. After reviewing and discussing the information, it was agreed that enforcement of the violations is out of the hands of the village because a complaint was filed by a renter with PCI who did an inspection and informed the owner in writing of the violations. It was felt that at this point the state codes are in effect. Flower will contact the township regarding a Board of Appeals process which the owner may wish to use.

Community Deaths: The following names were submitted: Nettie Burger and Shirley Polmanteer which were included in the list on Memorial Day. New addition: Clifton Risner.

Adjournment: Motion was made by Member Flower and supported by Member Martin to adjourn at 9:35 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Joyce Merrill
Acting Clerk