Minutes of the Village of Martin Board
June 13, 2011
Martin Village Council
Regular Meeting
June 13, 2011
The Martin Village Council met for its regular meeting on May 9, 2011,
at the Martin Village Office, 1609 North Main Street, Martin, Michigan.
Call to Order and Pledge to Flag: President Harness called the meeting to
order at 7:30 p.m., followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag.
Roll Call: Members present: Brinkhuis, Flower, Harness, Martin, Rambadt, Clerk
K. Seiser and Deputy Clerk Merrill. Member J. Seiser was absent.
Approval of Minutes: Motion was made by Member Flower and seconded by
Member Rambadt to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of May 9,
2011, as submitted. Motion carried. Motion was made by Member Flower and
seconded by Member Rambadt to approve the minutes of the special meeting
of May 21, 2011, as submitted. Motion carried.
Recognition of Visitors: Don Rambadt was present. Randy Thompson arrived
at 7:40 p.m., and Don Black arrived at 7:49 p.m.
Randy Thompson, of 990 Lee Street, adjacent to the north side of the village
office parking area, presented photos of his back yard with high water. There
has been a great deal of rain, but President Harness told Mr. Thompson that a
leach basin will be put in the parking area soon, which should alleviate water
going into his yard.
Approval of Agenda: Member Flower requested an addition to Old Business:
Repeater. Motion was made by Member Martin and supported by Member
Flower to approve the agenda with addition. Motion carried.
Communications: The follow were presented:
1. Ten outgoing letters of appreciation to persons/groups who had
participated in the Memorial Day events.
2. Deputy Clerk Merrill reported that she had attempted several times to
contact Family Radio to determine who was responsible for scattering the
leaflets in the yards of village residents. There was not much success as no
one ever returned calls. She also contacted Todd Callis to let him know about
the attempts.
3. A phone call had been received from Tom McLaughlin about the odor at 932
East Allegan Street, next to his property. Merrill made calls to the former
owner, the Allegan County Health Department and PCI. Waiting for a return
call from PCI.
4. Flower had received a phone call about a campground near the highway to
be set up and used for the B-93 event coming up June 17-19. This was
referred to the township, who is meeting to discuss the situation.
Financial Items:
1. Treasurer's Report: Treasurer Rambadt stated that she has the same
concerns about balances as expressed at the last meeting. She also reported
that the check for delinquent taxes from the county was incorrect. She
returned the check to the County Treasurer's Office, and they are working to
correct the amount. Motion was made by Member Flower and seconded by
Member Martin to accept the Treasurer's Report for May as submitted. Motion
2. Payment of Bills: After review, motion was made by Member Flower and
supported by Member Martin to approve payment of the bills as presented and
forthcoming utility bills. Motion carried.
3. Closing Update: Deputy Clerk Merrill reported that two employees of Yeo
& Yeo had been in the office all day working on the closing for 3/31/11. They
will return on Tuesday, June 14, and if necessary, on Wednesday, June 15.
Department Updates/Reports:
1. Public Safety: It was reported that the Allegan County Mounted Division
will be coming Friday night, June 17 and be available through Sunday, June
19, for the B-93 event. Gary Brinkhuis will host the deputies who will use
horses to assist with traffic, etc. for the event. The village will make a
donation to the Mounted Division to be determined later.
2. Public Works: Member Martin stated that due to the excessive rain, some
projects have been delayed. However, Tim and Lori were able to paint trash
cans and put new lids on. They painted a patriotic can which was placed near
the Geib Memorial Park. Council members expressed their appreciation for an
excellent job well done. It was also noted that there have been many
compliments on the Memorial Day events. Another speaker for the PA system
might be beneficial, and Flower is checking on this.
3. Streets: Commissioner Martin reported that the P.W. employees have
painted street and crosswalk lines. He also stated that Clean Earth will be
cleaning storm drains soon.
4. Sewer/Water: The following items were reported and discussed:
a. There were two "big flushes" attempted on May 23 and May 27 with water
which did not accomplish much. An air flush was attempted on June 3 with no
real effect to the flow rate.
b. Flower had e-mailed Tom Deneau with questions about various sewer
issues and read some of the response information regarding blockage, back
flow preventer, reservoir, etc.
c. Concern was expressed about VanElderen and continued high BOD's. It was
agreed that VanElderen needs to be contacted to address these concerns,
and Brinkhuis will set up a meeting at VanElderens.
d. Tim Eichler had prepared a report with pumpage flows showing a significant
decrease in flows indicating a blockage. This is a definite concern. Tim's
report mentioned some alternate options, including a process called "chemical
burn". More information is expected about this process. The Sewer Committee
will meet and further review the blockage problem and other sewer issues.
e. Flower reported that the surge arrester from Esper Electric was installed at
the wellhouse.
f. Rebuilding of the water pump was discussed at length. Estimates from
Peerless-Midwest and Kraai Well Drilling were reviewed and explained by
Member Martin. It was agreed that the Water Committee should meet to
further review the information and make a recommendation to the council. It
was also noted that the tower is due for an inspection this year.
g. Flower stated that the Consumer Confidence report is due July 1. Also Tim
has been working on the Village Emergency Response Plan.
County Commissioner: Don Black distributed synopses of the May 12, May
26 and June 9 County Commission meetings. He highlighted several items and
reported that the Allegan County Planning Commission will not be eliminated
but restructured. He then reported that a Land Bank Authority is being
considered for the disposition of property which ends up being owned by the
county due to unpaid taxes. There was discussion on the pros and cons of
the possible Authority. Black also submitted a casino allocation schedule from
the Gun Lake Casino and stated that a toll gate is now installed at the Gun
Lake County Park.
Old Business:
1. D.P.W. Wage Recommendations: After reviewing the recommendations
made at the May meeting, a motion was made by Member Brinkhuis and
supported by Member Flower to approve the following P.W. wages to become
effective July 1, 2011:
Tim Eichler - $15.00/hour Lori Martin - $9.25/hour and $12.75/hour for
cleaning office.
Roll call vote: Ayes - Rambadt, Brinkhuis, Flower, K. Seiser
Nays - None
Abstain - Martin
Absent - J. Seiser
Motion carried.
2. Parking Lot Recommendations: It was noted that phase 1 was approved
in April and would be started soon. President Harness expressed concern
about proceeding with phases 2 and 3 due to the balance in the Building
Fund, which will have other expenses already approved. He suggested waiting
on phases 2 and 3 until next year after the budget is completed. Others
concurred with the idea. Motion was made by Member Martin and seconded
by Member Flower to proceed with phase 1 of the parking lot project and to
table phases 2 and 3 until they can be included in next year's budget. Motion
3. Communication Repeater: Flower reminded the council of the contract with
the township, which has been approved, to install a repeater on the water
tower. This is being done and will provide better communication for the fire
department and also help with the B-93 event this weekend. The village may
purchase communication hand held units, and a price is being investigated.
New Business:
1. Resolution 2011-6-6 Property Tax Millage: Deputy Clerk Merrill reported
that information received from the County Equalization Department indicates
that the Village can levy 8.9609 mills, the same as last year, but the Taxable
Valuation of the Village for 2011 is down $187,294, resulting in less tax
Motion was made by Member Flower and supported by Member Martin to
adopt Resolution 2011-6-6, establishing a tax levy of 8.9609 mills for
Roll call vote: Ayes - Rambadt, Martin, Brinkhuis, Flower, K. Seiser.
Nays - None.
Absent - J. Seiser
Resolution declared adopted.
2. Delinquent Sewer/Water Bill, Independent Water: Treasurer Rambadt
gave an update on the $6,544.23 delinquent sewer/water bill owed by
Independent Water. They had indicated that this delinquency would be paid in
spite of filing for Chapter 13 bankruptcy. Flower read a letter to Independent
Water from the Village dated January 4, 2011, reminding them of their
commitment to pay the delinquency. There has been no response. It was the
consensus of the council that this should be pursued. Rambadt was advised
to contact the MMTA (Michigan Municipal Treasurers Association), which she
will do. There was also discussion about Small Claims Court or possibly
contacting Attorney Ed Annen.
Other: Martin asked about the BS&A software that Clerk Seiser is
investigating and stated that he had talked to Brad Flower who indicated that
the current equipment would be adequate for the new software. Flower noted
that the Shine Auto Wash usage had dropped significantly. It was suggested
that the meter be checked. They are also two months delinquent, and
President Harness instructed Flower to send a delinquent notice immediately.
Recent Community Deaths: Two names were submitted - Anna Emmons and
Harold H. Tuinstra.
Adjournment: Motion was made by Member Martin and seconded by Member
Flower to adjourn at 9:16 p.m. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Joyce Merrill
Deputy Clerk