Minutes of the Village of Martin Board
June 11, 2012
Village of Martin
Regular Meeting
June 11, 2012
The Martin Village Council met for its regular meeting on June 11, 2012,
at the Martin Village Office, 1609 North Main Street, Martin, Michigan.
Call to Order and Pledge to Flag: President Harness called the meeting to
order at 7:00 p.m., followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag.
Roll Call: Members present: Brinkhuis, Flower, Harness, Flower, Rambadt, J.
Seiser, Wykstra and Deputy Clerk Merrill. Clerk K. Seiser was absent.
Approval of Minutes: Motion was made by Member Wykstra and seconded
by Member Flower to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of May 14,
2012 as submitted. Motion carried.
Recognition of Visitors: Don Rambadt, Marlene Leep and Alice Kelsey were
present. Judge William Baillargeon arrived at 7:23 p.m., and County
Commissioner Don Black arrived at 8:20 p.m.
Approval of Agenda: Motion was made by Member Wykstra and seconded by
Member Flower to approve the agenda as presented, except to table Judge
Baillargeon's presentation until he arrived. Motion carried.
Communications: The following were presented:
1. Notice of training courses offered by the American Red Cross in Allegan
County on June 13, July 11, August 8 and September 12.
2. Information from MML Legislative Link regarding passage of SB 954 which
increases the appropriations for the EVIP/revenue sharing program by $15
million, from $210 million to $225 million.
3. Invitation to an organizational meeting hosted by Allegan Township on June
18 for the purpose of creating a county-wide chapter of all municipalities.
4. Invitation from Representative Bob Genetski to the fourth annual "Local
Officials Conference" to be held June 22 at the Griswold Auditorium in Allegan.
5. Press Release from the Allegan County Sheriff's Office stating that they will
be conducting a Citizen's Police Academy in the fall of 2012 and listing the
qualifications to attend.
6. E-mail from Christie Fontaine with 4 samples/proofs of the Martin Village
historical photos she is working on for the village office. Samples were
reviewed by council members.
Financial Items:
1. Treasurer's Report: Treasurer Rambadt reported that all funds balance
with the bank. She also stated that there are two payments left on the
Harthorn reimbursement of legal fees, and all payments have been made on
time. Motion was made by Member Flower and supported by Member Brinkhuis
to accept the treasurer's report for May 2012 as presented. Motion carried.
2. Payment of Bills: After the addition of three bills, a motion was made by
Member Flower and seconded by Member Wykstra to pay the bills as amended
including forthcoming utility bills. Motion carried.
3. Payment to Martin Township: It was reported that two of the township
firemen assisted with flushing the sewer system in January and April. Each
worked 3 hours for a total of six hours. Motion was made by Member Flower
and seconded by Member Wykstra to pay Martin Township for six hours of
assistance by firemen at $15.00 per hour from the sewer fund, total of
$90.00. Motion carried.
Department Updates/Reports:
1. Public Safety: Member Brinkhuis reported that the Allegan County Mounted
Division had been in town for the Memorial Day parade as well as two other
occasions in May. A check will be cut to them for $250.00 for the month of
May. They will also be on duty in town during the B-93 event June 23-24.
There was discussion on plans for B-93, including renting a porta john from
Plummer's. Brinkhuis will arrange for that as well as host those who are on
2. Public Works: Member Wykstra reported that the door had been installed
on the salt barn. He also reported that the P.W. employees will be painting
lines in the village parking lot as per requirements from PCI.
3. Streets: Wykstra stated that the P.W. employees have been painting
curbs and lines on streets as well as cleaning the streets. Member Flower
reported that he had received a complaint about a portion of sidewalk on
North Main which needs repair due to tree roots. There was discussion
regarding the need to obtain a priority list for needed sidewalk repairs and
obtain bids. There is $10,000 budgeted for sidewalk repair. Wykstra will
investigate this matter.
Judge William Baillargeon: Judge Baillargeon arrived and presented a video
on drinking and driving which was very enlightening. He stated that he wishes
to raise awareness of substance abuse by sharing the video with various
organizations and schools. Several questions were asked by council members
of Judge Baillargeon.
4. Sewer/Water: Flower reviewed the Notice of Violation and fine from
Plainwell and discussion from recent joint sewer meetings. There was
considerable discussion by the council relating to the background and reason
for the fine. It was reported that the fine was not directly due to the flushing
in January and April as interpreted by the documentation. The fine was
actually for pollutant levels caused by concentrated BODs which are put into
the system by VanElderen. The flushing of the system caused pollutant levels
to exceed the surcharge thresholds. VanElderen is aware of the problem and
is working on a way to decrease the BODs. A progress letter dated June 7,
2012 from VanElderen to the Village and Plainwell stated that at this time
they cannot commit to trucking high strength wastewater to Plainwell.
Instead they plan on installing and testing a DAF system on the south side of
the road, something similar being considered by the City of Coopersville. The
system adds aeration to treat the high BOD waste which they hope will
reduce the sludge which goes through the Martin pipe. Brinkhuis had a
conversation with Mike VanElderen who explained the aeration system and
how it works. President Harness reported on his recent meeting with Erik
Wilson, Plainwell City Manager. Wilson reminded Harness that there has been
an ongoing issue with BODs and VanElderen which affects the bacteria in the
system. Harness plans to meet with Wilson on days of Village Council
meetings to discuss any issues between Plainwell and the village. It was
agreed that the cost of the fine should be the responsibility of the
contributor, and there was discussion on how to recover the fine costs from
VanElderen. It was stated that it is unfair that all customers pay the recovery
costs for one customer. Harness recommended that the village proceed to
communicate with Attorney Ed Annen and Engineer Tom Deneau for advice on
recovery costs. Brinkhuis will continue to communicate with VanElderen on
the issue. Motion was made by Member Brinkhuis and supported by Member
Flower to consult with Ed Annen and Tom Deneau to address the recovery
costs from VanElderen. Motion carried.
Flower then reported on the June 7 joint sewer meeting. One item discussed
was that the Village could request a variance from Plainwell for quarterly
maintenance of the sewer line. President Harness will generate a letter to
Plainwell requesting the variance. Harness reminded the council that the
village is responsible for proper administration of its sewer system and needs
to foster better communication and a good working relationship with Plainwell.
Flower read a letter dated June 7, 2012 from VanElderen requesting that the
water service at 899 East Allegan Street be upgraded from a 1" line to a 4"
line. They would run the new service into the old feed mill basement. This
information will be forwarded to Tom Deneau for his advice.
5. County Commissioner: Commissioner Don Black distributed new Allegan
County directories as well as synopses of the May 10 and May 24 County
Commission meetings. Items highlighted were the Central Dispatch increase of
the surcharge amount from $1.63 to $2.05 per phone beginning July 2012
through December 2013, the Kalamazoo River Superfund Site, and the
Michigan Drug Court grants used to treat participants. He also noted the
salaries for elected county officials and chief deputies. There were questions
and discussion on various topics.
Old Business:
1. Office Sign: Since there seems to be no word from Cronen Signs, Flower
will begin making new contacts for an outside office sign.
2. Water Bond Refinancing Update: Deputy Clerk Merrill reported that she
had received phone calls from Ryan Bendzinski on May 30 and May 31
regarding the bond purchase. Mr. Bendzinski indicated that the timing was
very good, better than expected. The negotiated sale date was May 31,
2012, and the award date was June 1, 2012. It appears that total savings will
be $109,025.48 with costs of $37,704.00. The underwriter is Fifth Third
Securities, and the issuer is the Allegan County BPW. Several communications
have been received, including documents which need to be signed by the
Clerk and Treasurer, and returned to Miller Canfield, bond counsel. The closing
is scheduled to take place on June 27, 2012. A new payment schedule was
received, indicating that the first payment is due November 1, 2012, which is
$13,575.42, interest only.
New Business:
1. Resolution 2012-6-3, Property Tax Resolution: Motion was made by
Member Brinkhuis and supported by Member Wykstra to adopt Resolution
2012-6-3, which establishes the 2012 property tax levy at 8.9609 mills.
Roll call vote: Ayes - Rambadt, J.Seiser, Wykstra, Brinkhuis, Flower
Nays - None
Absent - K. Seiser
Resolution declared adopted.
2. Election Reminders: Deputy Clerk reminded the council that petitions and
other documents need to be completed and turned in to the Township Clerk
by August 14, 2012 for the November 6 general election. She will put together
packets of necessary documents which can be picked up by those interested.
Offices which need to be filled are President, Clerk, Treasurer and two
Trustees. The terms of trustees Gary Brinkhuis and Jeff Seiser have expired.
There are no longer term limits for any office.
Recent Community Deaths: Names submitted were Frances Pieratt, Scott
Germain, and Warren Dunklee.
Adjournment: Motion was made by Member Brinkhuis and supported by
Member Flower to adjourn the meeting at 8:44 p.m. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Joyce Merrill
Deputy Clerk