Minutes of the Village of Martin Board
May 9, 2011
Martin Village Council
Regular Meeting
May 9, 2011
The Martin Village Council met for its regular meeting on May 9, 2011,
at the Martin Village Office, 1609 North Main Street, Martin, Michigan.
Call to Order and Pledge to Flag: The meeting was called to order at 7:35
p.m. by Vice-President Brinkhuis, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the
American flag.
Roll Call: Members present: Brinkhuis, Flower, Rambadt, Clerk K. Seiser and
Deputy Clerk Merrill. Members absent: Harness, Martin, J. Seiser.
Approval of Minutes: Motion was made by Member Rambadt and seconded
by Member Flower to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of April 11,
2011. Motion carried.
Recognition of Visitors: Don Rambadt was present. Todd and Katie Callis
arrived at 7:41 p.m., and Don Black arrived at 7:51 p.m.
Mr. and Mrs. Callis were present to express concern and question the placing
of leaflets in the yards of village residents, which appeared to be randomly
scattered. The information was a product of Family Radio. It was noted that
the village has ordinances pertaining to solicitation and littering. Attempt will
be made to determine the source of the leaflets.
Approval of Agenda: Two items were added to New Business: Office Signage
and Friends of the Library. Motion was made by Member Flower and supported
by Member Rambadt to approve the agenda as amended. Motion carried.
Communications: The following were presented:
1. Memo from Sally Brooks, Allegan County Treasurer, regarding collection of
delinquent taxes. A resolution will be presented later in the meeting.
2. Letter dated April 20 from MDOT about three information sessions on
obligations under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The sessions will be
held June 9, July 26 and August 9 in the Lansing area.
3. Flyer about a Public Safety Expo on May 14 at the Allegan Tech Center.
Financial Items:
1. Treasurer's Report: Treasurer Rambadt highlighted her report and
reminded the council that the balances in the General and Building Funds are
rather low. She also gave an update on the Building Fund, which was opened
in 1996, specifically revenue and expenditures since that date. Motion was
made by Member Flower and supported by Member K. Seiser to approve the
Treasurer's Report for April as submitted. Motion carried.
2. Payment of Bills: After the addition of two bills, a motion was made by
Member Flower and seconded by Member K. Seiser to approve payment of the
bills as revised as well as forthcoming utility bills. Motion carried.
3. Closing of Books for 3/31/2011: Deputy Clerk Merrill had received
correspondence from Yeo & Yeo about the closing for 2011. An engagement
letter was read outlining the services to be provided by Yeo & Yeo. After
discussion, motion was made by Member Flower and supported by Member
Rambadt to sign and return the engagement letter authorizing Yeo & Yeo to
close the village books as of March 31, 2011. Motion carried.
4. Insurance Update: Merrill had met with the village insurance
representative Jim Newman, who delivered the policy notebook. There was no
rate increase this year, but the higher premium was due to the new barn and
office. An additional $10,000 was added to the office contents for a total of
$20,000. Mr. Newman stated that there will be a dividend of $868 which
should be received soon.
5. Bank Update: Merrill gave an update on meetings with Huntington Bank
and PNC Bank. Interest rates on checking accounts are the same. Other
information will be coming about bank charges from PNC. Other banks may be
investigated, but there appears to be no valid reason to change at the
present time.
Department Updates/Reports:
1. Public Safety: Brinkhuis reported that the Mounted Division may be
involved in the Memorial Day parade.
2. Public Works: No report.
3. Streets: Brinkhuis reported that some maintenance work is needed, as well
as the storm drain on West Allegan and drain cleaning.
4. Sewer/Water: Flower reported on the following:
a. By-pass valve repair. Quote from Main-Tech approximately $900. Agreed to
have Al Evink do repair.
b. Need to flush force main due to pumpage problem to Plainwell. Quote will
be requested from Underground Pipe & Valve.
c. Rebuilding of water pump at water wellhouse which is recommended. Have
received cost estimates from Peerless-Midwest and Kraai Well Drilling.
d. Quote from Esper Electric for a surge arrester/lightning detector. Low level
cost would be $325 and mid level would be $830. After discussion, motion was
made by Flower and seconded by Rambadt to approve the quote from Esper
Electric for the mid level surge arrester of $830. Motion carried.
e. Pit Raider from State Chemical for $480 will be returned.
f. Another reader problem. Sensus was contacted for resolution, and there will
be another bill from them.
County Commissioner: Don Black distributed synopses of the County
Commission meetings of April 14 and April 28. After highlighting some items, he
asked the opinion of the council on the proposed elimination of the Planning
Commission. There was considerable discussion on the pros and cons, and the
consensus was that it might be more beneficial to keep the Planning
Old Business:
1. Memorial Day Activities: Several details were presented and discussed.
To date Grand Marshalls have been secured, as well as a speaker, musical
solos and the Martin Band. The Martin vets will be involved in other final
2. Office Open House: Plans are well underway for the open house to be
held following the Memorial Day program on May 30. There will be
refreshments as well as pens for adults and prizes for kids. Anita and Kelly are
working on finalizing the plans.
3. Parking Lot: Brinkhuis reminded the council that phase 1 was voted on last
month and suggested that the Building Committee make recommendations
regarding the second phase. Motion was made by Member Rambadt and
seconded by Member Flower authorizing the Building Committee to make
recommendations for the second phase of the parking area behind the village
office. Motion carried.
New Business:
1. Resolution 2011-5-5 Collection of Delinquent Taxes: Motion was made
by Member Flower and supported by Member K. Seiser to adopt Resolution
2011-5-5 which allows the Treasurer to collect delinquent summer taxes
through February 2012.
Roll call vote: Ayes - Rambadt, Brinkhuis, Flower, K. Seiser.
Nays - None.
Absent - Harness, Martin, J. Seiser.
Resolution declared adopted.
2. New Software - BS&A: Clerk K. Seiser had researched and received
quotes from BS&A software which is used by Allegan County and most other
municipal entities. She stated that it is municipal friendly, but she is
continuing to research other software programs.
3. D.P.W. Wage Increase Recommendation: Brinkhuis presented some
information regarding wage increases for D.P.W. employees Tim Eichler and
Lori Martin. An increase of 3-5% was recommended. After discussion and
calculation, the following hourly rates were recommended to be voted on at
the June meeting: Tim Eichler, $15.00 per hour, Lori Martin, $9.25 per hour for
P.W. duties and $12.75 per hour for cleaning the office.
4. Office Signage: Flower suggested purchasing a small sign to be placed on
the back door indicating daily hours. He found one for approximately $28.00
and was given permission to order one. It is also felt that a sign is needed for
the front of the office identifying the building. Flower was given authorization
to check on that as well.
5. Friends of the Library: Flower had been contacted by the Martin
Township Library and they would like two council members to attend a
meeting on Monday, May 16 at 7:00 p.m. Flower and Rambadt will attend the
Community Deaths: The following names were presented: Esther Boze,
Joyce McGuire, and Jacob VanderPloeg.
Adjournment: Motion was made by Flower and supported by K. Seiser to
adjourn the meeting at 9:14 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Joyce Merrill
Deputy Clerk