Village Council
Board Minutes
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Minutes of the Village of Martin Board
April 11, 2011
Martin Village Council
Regular Meeting
April 11, 2011

The Martin Village Council met for its regular meeting on April 11, 2011, at the Martin Village Office, 1609 North Main Street, Martin, Michigan.

Call to Order and Pledge to Flag: The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Vice-President Brinkhuis, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag.

Roll Call: Members present: Brinkhuis, Flower, Martin, Rambadt, J. Seiser, Clerk K. Seiser and Deputy Clerk Merrill. President Harness was absent.

Approval of Minutes: Motion was made by Member Flower and seconded by Member Rambadt to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of March 14, 2011, and the special meeting of March 31, 2011, as submitted. Motion carried.
Recognition of Visitors: Don Rambadt was present. County Commissioner Don Black arrived at 7:45 p.m.

Approval of Agenda: Two items were added to New Business: Parking area and Fun Run, Brandon Elementary. Motion was made by Member Rambadt and supported by Member Martin to approve the agenda as revised. Motion carried.

Communications: The following were presented:

1. E-mail from Kirk Scharphorn, PCI, stating that inspections were performed on March 30, 2011 for the rental dwelling at 1016 West Allegan, owned by Ken Harthorn, and the dwelling units were approved for occupancy.
2. Letter from Bill Miller, Martin Public Schools Superintendent, with information about a Community Forum on April 13, at 7:00 p.m. in the Clipper Room.
3. Letter from Forest & Land Management regarding the harvesting of trees. It appears that the wooded acreage referred to in the letter is in Martin Township, but the information will be investigated.
4. Information from West Michigan Regional Planning Commission about a project where Doug MacVean is applying for an USDA Rural Development REAP grant to fund the purchase of high efficiency grain drying equipment. Since Mr. MacVean is located in Martin Township, there is no need for the village to respond or comment on the project.
5. Letter and brochure from the U.S. Census Bureau which will be conducting the 2010 Census Count Question Resolution Program between June 1, 2011 and June 1, 2013. The program provides opportunity to challenge the 2010 Census counts of housing units and group quarters.

Treasurer's Report: Treasurer Rambadt highlighted her report and commented on various fund balances. Motion was made by Member Flower and seconded by Member Martin to approve the Treasurer's Report for March 2011 as submitted. Motion carried.

Payment of Bills: A bill from Clean Earth was added to the Major Street Fund for drain cleaning and a bill from USA BlueBook was added to the Sewer Maintenance Fund for sewer charts. There was a question about continuing to pay for use of the dumpster behind the Lions Building. After discussion it was agreed to continue to use the dumpster for the time being.
Motion was made by Member Flower and seconded by Member J. Seiser to approve payment of the bills as revised as well as forthcoming utility bills. Motion carried.

Department Updates/Reports:

1. Public Safety: It was reported that the Allegan County Mounted Division may be available on May 30 for the Memorial Day parade.
2. Public Works: Member Martin reported that the bucket truck was inspected at Romeyn's, and a crack in the A frame was found and will be repaired.
3. Streets: Street Commissioner Martin reported that Clean Earth will be cleaning storm drains, and sand and salt will be cleaned from the streets.
4. Sewer/Water: Member Flower reported on the following:
A. Clean Earth will be coming on April 13 to make a quote on a flush valve at the fire station.
Transmission problems occurred on last month's readings, and support service from Sensus Tech Dept. was needed to resolve. May be "old" reader related.
C. Pumpage problem to Plainwell. Tim Eichler has called Al Evink of Main-Tech to check on the problem.
D. Reviewed a quote from Peerless-Midwest for well pump and motor overhaul which would cost $10,000-$20,000. This estimate was made in February 2009 for #1 well. It was noted that a recent estimate was received from Kraai Well Drilling for $14,956.
Joint Sewer meeting held on April 7 where Flower learned that there would be increases over the next four years to be in line with the Consumer Price Index.
F. The Consent Agreement prepared by Plainwell was signed by them. The Village signed the agreement at the special meeting on March 31, 2011.
5. County Commissioner: Commissioner Don Black distributed a synopsis of the March 24 meeting. He noted that an animal shelter contract was approved with Wishbone Pet Rescue as well as a jail construction plan. He also reported that there may be a reduction in the number of commissioners from 11 to 5, 7 or 9. Changes in population necessitate changes in district shapes. The plan is to distribute the population evenly without splitting townships. The Allegan County Apportionment Commission will meet again on April 18. Black also noted that the next evening meeting will be April 28 at 7:00 p.m.

Old Business: None.

New Business:

1. Memorial Day Activities: There was considerable discussion on various aspects of the parade and ceremony. Member Rambadt will make contacts regarding the school band and a soloist. Don Rambadt is involved with the Martin Area Vets and stated that Kevin Martin would be available to speak. No decision was made regarding a Grand Marshall. Ron Merrill and Don Black will share the M.C. responsibilities. Other details will be finalized by the Civic Affairs Committee and Martin Area Vets.
Vice-President Brinkhuis asked about the Citizen Recognition Award. After a brief discussion, it was agreed to table until President Harness can be involved since he originally suggested the idea.
2. Open House at New Office: It was agreed that following the Memorial Day ceremony would be a good time to host an open house at the new village office. Several ideas were presented, and it was agreed that Anita Rambadt and Kelly Seiser should work together and present some plans for refreshments and "give-aways".
3. Parking Area: As agreed at the March 14 meeting, Member Martin had obtained quotes for improvement of the parking area behind the new office. He distributed diagrams which divided the area into four sections from North Main Street to Elsie Street. He then reviewed and explained the options. The quotes from Arnsman Septic are: Repair soft spot in P.W. staging area, $5,550.00; Remove asphalt driveway and sidewalk, $1,300.00; Install leach basin on north end of parking area, $3,000.00. Quotes from VanLaan Concrete for installing concrete are: Areas 1 and 2, $9,615.00 each and areas 3 and 4, $9,875.00 each. After much discussion, Martin recommended and moved to accept all three quotes from Arnsman Septic to prepare the area and install the leach basin (total $9,850) and to accept VanLaan's quote to install concrete in area 1 for $9,615. Motion was seconded by Member Flower and carried. Areas 2, 3, and 4 will be completed later.
4. Brandon Elementary Fun Run: Member Rambadt made the council aware of the fundraiser sponsored by Brandon Elementary PTO, which is a Fun Run to be held on Friday, April 29. She noted that some streets will need to be closed off. The specific route will be furnished.

Recent Community Deaths: Names submitted were: Terry D. Wolfe, Velva Huff, and Patricia A. Dill.

Adjournment: Motion was made by Member Rambadt and seconded by Member Martin to adjourn the meeting at 8:55 p.m. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,
Joyce Merrill, Deputy Clerk