Village Council
Board Minutes
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Minutes of the Village of Martin Board
April 9, 2012
Martin Village Council
Regular Meeting
April 9, 2012

The Martin Village Council met for its regular meeting on April 9, 2012, at the Martin Village Office, 1609 North Main Street, Martin, Michigan.

Call to Order and Pledge to Flag: President Harness called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m., followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag.

Roll Call: All members were present: Brinkhuis, Flower, Harness, Rambadt, J. Seiser, Clerk K. Seiser and Wykstra. Deputy Clerk Merrill was also present.

Approval of Minutes: Motion was made by Member Flower and seconded by Member Rambadt to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of March 12, 2012, as submitted. Motion carried.

Recognition of Visitors: Present were Don Rambadt, Darcy Doezema, Alice Kelsey and Christy Fontaine. County Commissioner Don Black arrived at 7:42 p.m.

Christy Fontaine gave an update on her research regarding historical photos for the office. She has looked at various places for frames and is willing to enlarge photos to 8x10. She also has checked with Amish Oak Treasures in Otsego where there is a person who makes frames. After further discussion, motion was made by Member Rambadt and supported by Member Wykstra to allow up to $500 to be spent for historical photos, history, and frames to be displayed at the office. Motion carried.

Alice Kelsey noted that P.W. employee Mike Schaafsma is doing a great job mowing Memorial Park, but is concerned that he does not wear hearing protection. This will be remedied.

Approval of Agenda: Motion was made by Member Flower and seconded by Member Rambadt to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried.

Communications: The following were presented:
1. Agreement between Martin Township and Martin Village dated March 14, 2012 stating that the Village will mow Memorial Park in exchange for the use of the Township fire truck for pumping wastewater to the City of Plainwell for the year 2012.
2. E-mail dated April 5 from Representative Bob Genetski giving meeting times in Allegan County to talk to him about issues of state government. There will be one on Wednesday, April 11, from 9-10 a.m. at Old Plank Road Restaurant in Plainwell and one on Thursday, April 12 from 9-10 a.m. at Allegan Downtown Bakery and Deli in Allegan.
3. Notes from the February 27 Community Forum meeting.
4. Thank you note from Martin Township dated February 28, 2012, for providing signs for highway safety for the Fire Department.
5. Letter dated March 16, 2012, from MISS DIG System, Inc. regarding increase in ticket requests and encouraging communities to become a member of MISS DIG. The Village is already a member.
6. Member Flower stated that he had a request from a village resident regarding any restrictions to installing a wind generator on his home. There is no known village ordinance pertaining to this, but a permit would need to be requested from PCI.

Financial Items:

1. Treasurer's Report: After review, motion was made by Member Wykstra and supported by Member Brinkhuis to approve the Treasurer's Report for March 2012 as presented. Motion carried.
2. Payment of Bills: After the addition of two bills and correction of one, motion was made by Member Flower and seconded by Member Brinkhuis to approve payment of the bills as revised, including any forthcoming utility bills. Motion carried.
3. Software Update: Clerk Seiser stated that the video from Microsoft Dynamics was not helpful and she will continue to pursue options.

Department Updates/Reports:

1. Public Safety: Brinkhuis reported that he is working on a summer schedule with the Allegan County Mounted Division. Brinkhuis and Flower attended the March 15 meeting at Gun Plain Township regarding law enforcement in the area. The meeting consisted of general information, and another meeting will be scheduled. Brinkhuis and Flower felt that the services discussed would not be very beneficial to the village.
2. Public Works: Street Commissioner Wykstra stated that he has been working on some projects, including storage of salt spreader and obtaining various bids. He had a quote from Duane VanderPloeg for a roof for the salt bin of $5,480 which included extra reinforcement for hanging the salt spreader and venting. However, there has been discussion about having a hoist system and rack constructed to lift and store the salt spreader. Wykstra had two quotes for that: B & B Truck Equipment, $2,350 and Tuinstra's Custom Welding, $960. Wykstra recommended and moved that Tuinstra's Custom Welding be given the job for a rolling frame for the salt spreader in the amount of $960. Brinkhuis seconded the motion which carried. The roof bid was tabled so that Duane VanderPloeg could be contacted about a quote with less reinforcement.
Flower reported that the property line on the north side of the drive by the new barn was surveyed by Wightman and Associates because the adjacent property owner had expressed concern that part of the drive was on his property. It was learned that only a few inches of asphalt millings may be on the property, and that was to form a rim to keep water from running into the owner's yard. The property owner will be informed of the survey results.
3. Streets: Street Commissioner Wykstra presented estimates for major and local street repairs from four different companies: Superior Asphalt, Inc., Tustins, A-1 Asphalt, Inc. and Pavement Restoration. After review, Wykstra recommended considering the proposal from Pavement Restoration for thermal bond repairs. Wykstra stated that there were four locations on major streets totaling $482.24 as follows: North Main Street west of bank, storm drain by 1060 West Allegan Street, storm drain by 1022 West Allegan and storm drain at southeast corner of Templeton and Main Street. Motion was made by Wykstra and seconded by Flower to have Pavement Restoration make the repairs as listed and identified by the P.W. Department on major streets at a cost of $482.24. Motion carried.
Wykstra then stated that there were 13 locations totaling $6,350.40 on local streets. It was noted that five locations are actually on major streets. Those five repairs totaled $2,728.32. Therefore, motion was made by Wykstra and seconded by Flower to amend the motion on major street repairs, changing the total to $3,622.08. Motion carried.
The new balance for local street repairs was $3,210.56. Motion was made by Wykstra and seconded by Flower to have Pavement Restoration make the repairs on local streets as listed on the estimate and identified by the P.W. Department at a cost of $3,210.56. Motion carried.
Flower reported that the Allegan County Rural SAFETEA Task Force held a meeting on March 20, 2012, and has moved the Martin 10th Street project from 2013 to 2014. It was agreed to contact Tom Deneau of Wightman & Associates regarding estimates on the project.
4. Sewer/Water: Flower reported on the increase in rates from Plainwell, which will go from $5.70 to $7.33 over the next two years. He also mentioned Gun Plain rates.
The sewer line was flushed on April 4.
Flower reported on a call from Mike VandenBerg regarding the new rest stop area to be constructed off U.S. 131 near 108th Avenue and the need to revamp the agreement regarding tap-in charges. It is uncertain how much will go to the village and how much will go to Gun Plain Township. The agreement will be reviewed by an attorney.
The spring newsletters were distributed by Tim Eichler and Mike Schaafsma on Saturday, March 31. President Harness requested that the Sewer Committee meet before the next council meeting in May
5. County Commissioner: Commissioner Don Black distributed material including a synopsis of the March 22 meeting, as well as two magazines and a brochure on Allegan County Senior Services. He elaborated on the West Side Park Improvement Project to add 25-30 camp sites and the tobacco-free workplace policy.

Old Business:

1. Meeting Start Time Resolution 2012-4-1: Motion was made by Member Wykstra and supported by Member Flower to adopt Resolution 2012-4-1 which states the Village Council meetings shall commence at 7:00 p.m., except the first meeting of the newly elected Village Council held after the municipal election, which shall commence at 8:00 p.m. in accordance with Chapter III, Section 6 of the Village Charter.
Roll call vote: Ayes - Brinkhuis, Flower, Rambadt, J. Seiser, K. Seiser, Wykstra.
Nays - None
Absent - None
Resolution declared adopted.
2. Office Sign: Flower reported that he had contacted Cronen Signs but had heard nothing.
3. Liquor License Update: Deputy Clerk Merrill reviewed information received from the Michigan Liquor Control Commission which states that as of April 1, 2012, the Michigan Liquor Control Commission is requiring all applicants for licenses to submit required approvals from the local unit of government or the local law enforcement agency to the Commission. In light of this, it was agreed to contact Chris Ford who attended the March council meeting stating her intention to purchase the Red Barn and her desire to obtain a tavern license.
4. Resolution Requesting Refunding and Approving Refunding Contract for Water Bond Refinancing: Deputy Clerk Merrill highlighted her conversations and correspondence with Bendzinski & Co. and reviewed the material received from Miller Canfield, bond attorneys, who had prepared a Resolution Authorizing Refunding of the 2002 Bonds and Approving Refunding Contract. It was noted that by adopting the resolution, the Village Council is not irrevocably committed to refunding the prior bonds. It is a request to Allegan County BPW to proceed with an exploration of the refunding possibility, and there will be no charge to the Village or the County for time and costs expended if the refunding does not proceed due to changes in market conditions. If and when the bonds are refunded, all costs will be taken from the proceeds, and there will be no out-of-pocket expenses.
Motion was made by Member Brinkhuis and supported by Member Wykstra to adopt the Resolution Requesting Refunding and Approving Refunding Contract as prepared by Miller Canfield.
Roll call vote: Ayes - Rambadt, J.Seiser, Wykstra, Brinkhuis, Flower, K.Seiser.
Nays - None
Absent - None
Resolution declared adopted.
It was noted that five copies of the Resolution need to be executed by the Clerk and five copies of the Refunding Contract need to be executed by the President and Clerk. Three copies need to be returned to Miller Canfield, one copy delivered to the Allegan County BPW, and one copy retained for village file.
5. Memorial Day Activities: Rambadt reported that she made contact with the school regarding an essay contest. The school felt that there was not enough time this year. There was further discussion on possible student speaker. Rambadt has confirmed Melanie Lowe for a musical solo. There were several suggestions for a grand marshal and others needed for the program. Contacts will continue to be made. Flower noted that he had obtained a quote for an additional speaker for the P.A. system, which was $1,178.48. It was agreed that this was a rather high expense to be considered at this time. Other concerns were expressed about comfort for veterans and political handbills.

New Business:

1. Repair of Parking Lot: Wykstra had three estimates from A-1 Asphalt, Inc., Wyoming Asphalt Paving Co. and Superior Asphalt, Inc., ranging from $11,226.18 to $15,750.00. It was noted that due to the amounts, advertising would be necessary. Wykstra further stated that Arnsman would cut out the area and replace with millings for $3,100.00. It was also mentioned that possibly Martin Township would contribute toward the cost of the repair. Motion was made by Brinkhuis and seconded by Wykstra to contact Martin Township with the Arnsman quote for $3,100 and see what portion they would pay. Motion carried. Wykstra will contact the township.

Recent Community Deaths: The following names were submitted: Wayne F. Schoneboom, Dennis Lee Talsma, and Marguerite Zumbrink.

Motion was made by Brinkhuis and supported by Wykstra to adjourn the meeting at 9:10 p.m. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Joyce Merrill
Deputy Clerk