Minutes of the Village of Martin Board
March 12, 2012
Martin Village Council
Regular Meeting
March 12, 2012
The Martin Village Council met for its regular meeting on March 12,
2012, at the Martin Village Office, 1609 North Main Street, Martin,
Call to Order and Pledge to Flag: President Harness called the meeting to
order at 7:30 p.m., followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag.
Roll Call: Members present: Flower, Harness, Rambadt, J. Seiser, Clerk K.
Seiser and Deputy Clerk Merrill. Member Brinkhuis arrived at 7:40 p.m. Member
Wykstra was absent.
Approval of Minutes: Motion was made by Member Flower and seconded by
Member Rambadt to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of February
13, 2012, and the minutes of the special meeting of February 23, 2012.
Motion carried.
Recognition of Visitors: Chris Ford was present and stated that she is
planning to purchase the Red Barn and requested permission to obtain a
tavern license. She plans to renovate and be open some evenings and would
like to serve beer and wine. She was told by the State Liquor Control
Commission that she needed permission from the Village. There is a tavern
license available. After discussion and questions, it was the consensus of the
council to allow Ms. Ford to go forward with her application for a tavern
license. She hopes to have the restaurant open by May.
Other visitors arrived as follows: County Commissioner Don Black at 7:40 p.m.,
Darcy Doezema and Alice Kelsey at 8:12 p.m., and Marlene Leep and Don
Rambadt at 8:15 p.m.
Approval of Agenda: Two items were added to Old Business: Salt Bin and
Meeting Start Time. Motion was made by Member Flower and supported by
Member Rambadt to approve the agenda as revised. Motion carried.
Communications: The following were presented:
1. E-mail dated February 19 from David T. Young, an independent journalist,
stating that he would likely be attending some of the council meetings to
write about happenings in the area.
2. Report from the February 13, 2012 Community Forum meeting regarding the
donation of the Boysen Building to the Martin Public Schools containing
questions and comments presented at that meeting.
3. Memo from Tim Eichler regarding activities that need to be addressed in the
Village with a lengthy list by area and priority.
Financial Items:
1. Treasurer's Report: Treasurer Rambadt reported that she had turned over
approximately $4,800 to the county as delinquent taxes. She also suggested
that in the future the council might want to consider increasing the transfer
to the Building Fund from the General Fund, which is currently $100. After
review of the February report, motion was made by Member Flower and
supported by Member J. Seiser to approve the Treasurer's Report for February
2012 as presented. Motion carried.
2. Payment of Bills: One bill was added to the Major Street Fund from
Wightman & Associates for publishing of ads for the salt bin project in the
amount of $306.24. Member Flower presented information on quotes for a
dumpster. An 8 yard dumpster with a bi-weekly pick up was $70/month from
Best Way and $50/month from Allied Waste plus a fuel surcharge on each.
Motion was made by Member Flower and seconded by Member Brinkhuis to
accept the bid of Allied Waste of $50/month plus fuel surcharge. Motion
carried. Flower will contact Allied Waste to inform them of the decision.
Flower also stated that the post office and renters of the upstairs apartment
of the Lions Building use the dumpster and will contribute toward the cost .
Motion was made by Member Brinkhuis and supported by Member Rambadt to
pay the bills as presented and any forthcoming utility bills. Motion carried.
3. Software Update: Clerk Seiser stated that she had e-mailed Microsoft
Dynamics just prior to the meeting about the video which has not arrived.
Department Updates/Reports:
1. Public Safety: Member Brinkhuis asked about using the Mounted Division.
The council agreed that they should start whenever they could. Brinkhuis will
contact them with the council's decision.
2. Public Works: No report.
3. Streets: A list has been prepared of needed street repairs. It was reported
that Harold Miller of 1013 West Allegan has expressed concern about a rotting
tree between the sidewalk and curb. Brinkhuis investigated and stated that
the tree should be removed. Fitzpatrick Stump Removal has given a quote of
$550-$600. Mr. Miller would like the wood and will hopefully contribute toward
the cost. Motion was made by Member Flower and supported by Member
Brinkhuis to have Fitzpatrick Stump Removal remove the rotting tree at 1013
West Allegan at a cost of $550-$600. Motion carried.
4. Sewer/Water: Flower reported on the March 1 meeting at Plainwell where
there was discussion on the proposed rest stop on U.S. 131 near 108th
Street. MDOT will be in charge of the project, and bids are expected to be let
in September with construction beginning early next year. They would like to
tap into the village sewer line, but the tap in fee will go to Gun Plain Township
in accordance with an agreement with them. There will be a public meeting
sometime in April 2012.
Flower also reported that word has been received from Plainwell that there
will be new rates in July. Flower highlighted a lift station performance report
provided by Tim Eichler.
Flower stated that additional BOD charges have been assessed which were
passed on to VanElderen. These charges are calculated on the monthly flow.
Discussion followed on BOD readings, and Harness suggested contacting Tom
Deneau for further information.
A. Country Meadows: Correspondence had been received from Country
Meadows Mobile Home Park regarding the opportunity/option to take the
responsibility of the public water supply of the property. Flower responded
that the village water line ends approximately one mile from the location and
does not have the funds to extend the line.
B. Water Bond Refinancing: Deputy Clerk Merrill reported on her contacts
with Allegan County BPW and Bendzinski & Co. It appears that there could be
significant savings to the village, over $97,000 according to Bendzinski. Merrill
stated that the village would need to provide some information, but that
Bendzinski already has everything needed for the county. Question was raised
about cost to the village and if there would be any out-of-pocket expense.
Merrill will make further contact with Bendzinski. She also reported that a
representative from Bendzinski would be willing to attend a meeting to clarify
the process.
5. County Commissioner: Don Black distributed synopses of the February 23
and March 8 County Commission meetings. He highlighted several items,
including the Self-Help Task Force Pilot Program, the increased size of the jail
plan, and the authorization of the Voluntary Separation Plan.
Old Business:
1. Update on Independent Water Delinquency/Bankruptcy: President
Harness reported on communication and correspondence from Attorney Ed
Annen who sent letters to the attorney for the debtors. It appears that the
village has no recourse against the DeHaans under 11 USC 36(B).
2. Office Sign: Flower had received a quote from Valley City for a sign which
would be similar to the school signs. Cost would be $625 plus installation, but
the P.W. employees could install the sign. Flower has submitted a request to
Cronen Signs but has not heard from them. It was agreed to wait until
something is received from Cronen before a decision is made.
3. Salt Bin Update: President Harness presented information regarding the
concrete around the salt bin and parking area and suggested a slight change.
Because of the difference in depth of the approach to the salt bin and the
parking area, it was agreed that the approach would be included in the
parking area concrete and concrete would be put behind the salt bin as a
walk way between the P.W. office and barn. Brinkhuis stated that would be
no charge for that change. Harness also suggested that an additional area in
the northeast corner be included in the parking area near the drain. Brinkhuis
stated that Scott VanLaan had given a quote of $1,800 for that area, size 12'
X 25'. After discussion, motion was made by Member Flower and seconded by
Member J. Seiser to make the change in the concrete around the salt bin and
include the additional area at a cost of $1,800. Motion carried with Brinkhuis
4. Meeting Start Time: President Harness reported that he had contacted
Attorney Ed Annen and learned that a resolution is necessary to change the
start time of meetings in accordance with the charter. Motion was made by
Member Brinkhuis and supported by Member Flower to change the village
council meeting start time to 7:00 p.m. based on resolution information from
Attorney Annen. Motion carried.
New Business:
1. Budget Resolution: Motion was made by Member Brinkhuis and supported
by Member Flower to adopt Resolution 2012-3-7, General Appropriation Act
for 2012-2013, effective April 1, 2012.
Roll call vote: Ayes - Brinkhuis, Flower, Rambadt, J. Seiser, K. Seiser
Nays - None
Absent - Wykstra
Resolution declared adopted.
2. Abbott Property, Parcel 44-10: Member Rambadt reported on a phone
call she received from Mr. Abbott offering to sell Parcel 44-10 to the village
for $39,000. The lot is approximately 80 feet wide and 384.5 feet deep. She
gave the background of the lot which was split in 1996 from Lot 44. At one
time the lot was considered as a possibility for a street. After further
discussion, it was agreed that the village is not interested. Motion was made
by Member Brinkhuis and seconded by Member J. Seiser to decline the offer
from the Abbotts. Motion carried. President Harness will prepare a letter to
the Abbotts stating the village's decision.
3. Memorial Day Parade and Program: Rambadt stated that because there
is no longer a speech class at the high school, it is more difficult to find a
student speaker for the Memorial Day program. She suggested turning that
responsibility over to the Veterans. President Harness suggested the
possibility of asking the school to have an essay contest which could count
toward community service hours. The village council would decide on a topic,
and Harness offered to judge the essays. Rambadt will contact the school
with the idea. She is also working on finding a soloist. The Memorial Day
activities will take place on Monday, May 28.
4. Other: Flower reported that the date of May 19 has been suggested for
the annual spring clean up. Martin Township will participate.
Recent Community Deaths: One name was submitted: Bettie A. Baumgartner.
1. Update on Community Meeting: Since several visitors had attended the
community meeting regarding the donation of the Boysen building to the
school, Don Rambadt gave an update. There are still many unanswered
questions regarding what to do with the building and how to pay for whatever
is done. The village is concerned about losing property tax revenue as
commercial property.
2. Mowing on East Side of Town: Brinkhuis stated that he had been asked
by Darl Evers why the village does not mow on the east side of town since
other areas are mowed. Council members were asked to check out the area
and suggest recommendations.
3. Election Question: Marlene Leep asked if there is anything in the village
charter that would prevent a person running for a village position if they also
ran for the Library Board. Harness stated that there is nothing to prevent
4. Haveman Well Drilling: Alice Kelsey asked if the well drilled at Havemans
for an irrigation system would have any effect on the water table. She was
assured that it would not affect the aquifer because of the depth of the
village wells.
5. Sewer Rates: Alice also wondered how the renovation of the sewer plant
at Plainwell would affect sewer rates. Flower stated that all customers of the
system would see rate increases. A discussion followed on sewer rates.
Adjournment: Motion was made by Member Brinkhuis and supported by
Member Flower to adjourn the meeting at 9:21 p.m. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Joyce Merrill
Deputy Clerk