Village Council
Board Minutes
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Minutes of the Village of Martin Board
February 14, 2011
Martin Village Council
Regular Meeting
February 14, 2011

The Martin Village Council met for its regular meeting on January 10, 2011 at the Martin Village Office, 1586 South Main Street, Martin, Michigan.

Call to Order and Pledge to Flag:
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by President Harness, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag.

Roll Call: All members were present: Harness, Brinkhuis, Rambadt, Martin, Flower, J. Seiser, Clerk K. Seiser and Deputy Clerk Merrill.

Approval of Minutes: Motion was made by Member Rambadt, seconded by Member Flower, to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of January 10, 2011, as submitted. Motion carried.

Recognition of Visitors: Don Rambadt, Stuart Peet and Bob Genetski were present. County Commissioner Don Black arrived at 7:47 p.m.

Bob Genetski, State Representative of the 88th District, reported on updates from Lansing and named the various committees he is serving on. He also reported on the state budget short fall and its effect on school aid funding and revenue sharing. He stated that due to the redistricting following the 2010 census, the Village may be in a different district. Several questions were asked regarding state revenue and state budget.

Stuart Peet represented the Martin Library Board. He was requesting support and monetary funding because the library would like to become a district library. He reported on current funding which is mostly from state revenue and Martin Township. The district library would be separate from the township, giving them control of their own budget. He reported that Orangeville and Watson minimally subsidize the library and asked the Village if they would be interested in donating money. Harness indicated that the Council would review the budget to see if it would be a possibility.
Approval of Agenda: Two items were added to new business as follows: Sewer Updates - VanElderen and Update from President. Motion was made by Member Flower and seconded by Member Martin to approve the agenda as revised. Motion carried.

Communications: The following were presented:

1. Thank you note from Joyce Merrill for the donation in memory of her mom.
2. Letter from Ed Annen with court documents regarding the Harthorn case.
3. Information regarding notice on labor law requirements.
4. Letter from Marlene Leep of J.C. Wheeler Library giving statistics as requested by Harness at the meeting with the township on January 26.
5. Brochure on MEDA Capitol Day program to be held February 24, 2011 in Lansing.
6. Letter from MML L&PP regarding a loss control visit to the village on January 27th with a recommendation to the Public Works Department about inspecting the lift arm of the bucket truck.
7. Flower presented the Inside Allegan County magazine. He will make contact about including Martin parade events in future issues.

Treasurer's Report: After review by Rambadt, motion was made by Member Brinkhuis and seconded by Member J.Seiser to approve the treasurer's report for January as presented. Motion carried.

Rambadt stated that outstanding taxes totaling $3,000-$4,000 will be turned over to Allegan County.

Payment of Bills: After review of the bills, it was determined that the water bond/principal payment to Allegan County BPW cannot be covered by the water debt fund. Motion was made by Rambadt and seconded by J.Seiser to pay $30,000 from the water debt fund and the balance from the special water fund when a final bill is received. Brinkhuis made motion to pay the February bills as presented with second by Martin. Motion carried.

Transfers per 2010-2011 Budget: Motion was made by Flower and seconded by Brinkhuis to make the following transfers as outlined in the 2010-2011budget: General to Vehicle $3,500, General to Building $100, Infrastructure to Major Street $13,000, Infrastructure to Local Street $5,000, General to Major Street (reserve for road improvement) $7,000. Motion carried.

Department Updates/Reports:

Public Safety: Brinkhuis reported that there has been good patrol by the county in the early mornings. A proposed contract between the Village and the Martin Township Fire Department was presented regarding equipment on the water tower for radios for the fire department. Motion was made by Brinkhuis and seconded by Flower to authorize President Harness to sign the contract. Motion carried.

Public Works: Martin reported that snow removal from streets and business areas has gone well. The businesses have expressed satisfaction on the work to clear the areas. DPW is looking into inventory for sewer and water.

Streets: Martin contacted Pavement Restoration and obtained a bid of $12,000 to repair the parking lot. He also contacted Clean Earth about cleaning the storm drains and attempting to get a DVD of the broken storm drain near 1020 W. Allegan.
New Office, 1609 North Main: Harness reported that the woodwork is being finished. It is almost ready to be painted in preparation for the move.

Sewer/Water: Flower reported that there would be one water shutoff on February 15 and possibly more. Discussion followed on whether to turn off water at vacant properties. Flower distributed staffing responsibility reports from Tim Eichler for water, sewer and public works.

Flower reported that Peerless Midwest inspected the well house and recommends that number one pump be repaired. The water committee, along with Tim, Dan and Luke, will meet and review the recommendation.

A few residents have noticed chlorine odor problems.

Flower stated that he had sent a letter on January 4th to Independent Water's past owners regarding their very delinquent sewer/water bill. He has received no response and was instructed to send another letter. If still no response , it was agreed to put the delinquent amount on the tax bill of the owner.

Harness reported that Plainwell requested a meeting on February 17th at Plainwell regarding sewer issues. Those in attendance will include Plainwell City and Village representatives as well as attorneys. Harness and Flower will attend the meeting.

County Commission: Don Black distributed synopses of the January 13, January 27 and February 10 County Commission meetings. He reported on a meeting with Community Service Trooper Kellie Summerhays. He also talked about unfunded mandates. He encouraged attending the March 10 meeting regarding the jail and stated that there are two openings on the Commission on Aging. Questions were asked about possible closing of the Allegan airport and the recent opening of the Gun Lake Casino.

Old Business: Update on 1016 W. Allegan - The court documents received from Ed Annen outlined the reimbursement of village attorney fees from the Harthorns which will be $211.11 per month beginning February 15, 2011 and continuing for 18 months. It was noted that they have done considerable amount of renovation to the property. When completed and inspected and approved by PCI, the property can be rented.

New Business:

1. Adopt Proposed Budget for 2011 -2012:
Motion was made by Brinkhuis to adopt proposed budget and seconded by Flower. Motion carried. Proposed budget will be posted as outlined in the charter.
2. Sewer update-VanElderen: Brinkhuis stated that he had contacted Mike VanElderen regarding the high BOD's. VanElderen began putting chemicals in about 6 weeks ago and is not opposed to paying for the solution. Flower will provide sampling figures for Brinkhuis to take to VanElderen.
3. Update from President: Harness stated he has unresolved health issues and is feeling the need to step back from village duties and responsibilities. He will continue with the sewer issues with Plainwell, but will submit his resignation at the next monthly meeting. Harness is also investigating salaries for clerk and deputy clerk and term dates due to the new state election laws which took effect January 1, 2005.

Recent Community Deaths: Names submitted were: Ferris Arnet Moored, Charles Gwilliams, Dale Williams, Donald Holden, Charles Walls, Dennis Shook and Arnis Kalmanis.

Adjournment: Motion was made by Brinkhuis and seconded by Flower to adjourn the meeting at 9:06 p.m.

Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,
Kelly Seiser, Clerk