Village Council
Board Minutes
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Minutes of the Village of Martin Board
February 13, 2012
Martin Village Council
Regular Meeting
February 13, 2012

The Martin Village Council met for its regular meeting on February 13, 2012, at the Martin Village Office, 1609 North Main Street, Martin, Michigan.

Call to Order and Pledge to Flag: President Harness called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m., followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag.

Roll Call: Members present: Flower, Harness, Rambadt, J. Seiser, Clerk K. Seiser, Wykstra, and Deputy Clerk Merrill. Member Brinkhuis arrived at 7:39 p.m.

Approval of Minutes: Motion was made by Member Flower and supported by Member J. Seiser to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of January 9, 2012. Motion carried. Motion was made by Member Wykstra and supported by Member Flower to approve the minutes of the special meeting of February 6, 2012. Motion carried.
Recognition of Visitors: None present at the beginning of the meeting. County Commissioner Don Black arrived at 7:45 p.m., and Don Rambadt arrived at 8:30 p.m.

Approval of Agenda: Two items were added to New Business as follows: New start time for council meetings and Lions Club update. Motion was made by Member Wykstra and supported by Member Flower to approve the agenda as amended. Motion carried.

Communications: The following were presented:

1. Letter dated January 17, 2012, from MML regarding the debate over eliminating Michigan's Personal Property Tax and how that would affect local governments and public schools.
2. Notice from Allegan County Emergency Management which is sponsoring a skywarn training on Saturday, April 14, 2012, from 8:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. at the Salem Township Fire Department.
3. Thank you letter from Rick Martin expressing his appreciation for the plaque and his enjoyment from serving on the Village Council.
4. E-mail and resolution from the Village of Wolverine, Michigan, stating their opposition to House Bill 5304, a bill that would amend Public Act 51 to shift transportation funds away from local road agencies that receive less than $50,000 in 2012 to their respective counties starting in 2015. Deputy Clerk Merrill stated that she had been in contact with Allegan County Treasurer Sally Brooks and Mary Cumberworth, MDOT representative, regarding this bill.
5. Notice of Termination of Extended Benefit Program from the State Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs. This program will expire on February 18, 2012 because Michigan no longer meets the criteria to remain on the federally-funded Extended Benefit program.
6. Memo dated February 10, 2012, from Joyce Watts, Allegan County Clerk-Register, regarding township and county offices open for election in 2012. There will be two candidate training sessions, one on Monday, March 19, 2012, at the Vo-Tech Center and one on Tuesday, March 20, 2012, at the Clyde Township Hall.
7. Invitation dated February 9, 2012, from Gun Plain Charter Township to attend a meeting on March 15, 2012, 7:00 p.m. at the Gun Plain Township Hall to discuss law enforcement in the area.
8. President Harness stated that he had a communication which he will address later in the meeting.

Financial Items:

1. Treasurer's Report: After review, motion was made by Member Flower and supported by Member Wykstra, to approve the Treasurer's Report for January 2012 as presented. Motion carried.
2. Payment of Bills: After review and explanation of the Plainwell bills by Member Flower, motion was made by Member Brinkhuis and seconded by Member Wykstra, to pay the bills as presented and any forthcoming utility bills. Motion carried.
3. Transfers per 2011-2012 Budget: Motion was made by Member Brinkhuis and supported by Member Flower to make the following transfers per the 2011-2012 budget: From General Fund to Vehicle Fund, $8,500; From General Fund to Building Fund, $100; From Infrastructure Fund to Major Street Fund, $63,000; From Infrastructure Fund to Local Street Fund, $5,000. Motion carried.
4. Software Update: Clerk Seiser reported that she and Treasurer Rambadt and Deputy Clerk Merrill had met on February 3 to review the various quotes. The choice was narrowed to two, BS&A Software and Microsoft Dynamics. Seiser is waiting for a video from Microsoft Dynamics. It was noted that a conversion to a new program would not be advisable until after this year's full audit is completed.

Department Updates/Reports:

1. Public Safety: Member Brinkhuis reported that the emergency signs and lighted wands have arrived and will work well when needed.
2. Public Works: Street Commissioner Wykstra reported that post style barricades had been installed next to the paved area in the parking lot to prevent drivers from using the drive as a cut off route.
3. Streets: No report.
4. Sewer/Water: Member Flower reported that the recent billing went well. He will be contacting Plainwell regarding the BOD charges. Flower also highlighted Tim Eichler's report which stated that the pumping output is good, the need for a sewer cleanout, and three customers who have not complied with the back flow preventer requirements. Letters will be sent. Member Brinkhuis referred to an article in the Penasee Globe which reported that the City of Wayland was able to refinance bonds from a sewer project which saved over $200,000. It was suggested that inquiry should be made about refinancing the village water bond which has an interest rate of 4.75%. Deputy Clerk Merrill will make contact with the County BPW office.
5. County Commissioner: Commissioner Don Black had left synopses of the January 26 and February 9 meetings. He also distributed copies of the Allegan County Strategy Map and reviewed the map. He also presented some jail facts as follows: Size of total building, 193,378 square feet; total developed, 123,440 square feet; construction cost less site work, $15,738,986; "developed cost", $127.50 per square foot.

Old Business:

1. Update on Independent Water: President Harness has had no word from Attorney Annen. Possibly Small Claims Court should be considered.
2. Office Sign: A reasonably priced sign has not been found. Flower stated that the school would be willing to put information on their sign for the village. Flower asked if he could purchase a simple sign which would direct persons to the office entrance at the rear of the building. He was given permission to do so.
3. Salt Bin Award: President Harness reported that he had contacted Tom Deneau of Wightman & Associates and Kirk Scharphorn of PCI regarding a slump test and limestone. He was informed that a slump test could be waived and that limestone is not needed in footings but should be used in the above ground work. In light of that information, he also contacted Ron Tanner of Burgess Construction to see if they wanted to revise their bid. Since nothing was heard from Burgess, the bids remain the same. The bid from VanLaan Concrete Construction is $17,350, and the bid from Burgess Concrete Construction is $27,650. A motion was made by Member Flower and supported by Member Wykstra to award the bid for the salt bin storage building to VanLaan Concrete Construction at $17,350.
Roll call vote: Yes - Flower, Wykstra, Rambadt, K. Seiser.
No - J. Seiser
Abstain - Brinkhuis
Motion carried.

President Harness referred to a communication from Attorney James Durant dated January 24, 2012, regarding a F.O.I.A. request. He had directed Flower and Merrill to compile the information and reply to the request. Thirty-four pages of pertinent information was scanned and e-mailed to Attorney Annen for his approval and then to Attorney Durant. Harness noted that in Mr. Durant's first communication in November, he had information which was not yet available to council members or on the website, but was available only at the office. In his second communication in January, he had the spec bid package from Wightman & Associates. A request had not been made to the village office, but the package had been provided to Mr. Durant. Therefore, President Harness asked specifically if anyone on the council was aware of or had in any way participated with Attorney Durant in this action against the village. There was no response.

New Business:

1. Resolution for Charitable Gaming License: The Martin Athletic Boosters has requested that the village approve and recognize them as a nonprofit organization operating in the community for the purpose of obtaining charitable gaming licenses. Motion was made by Member Wykstra and supported by Member Brinkhuis to approve the request from the Martin Athletic Boosters.
Roll call vote: Yes - Brinkhuis, Flower, Rambadt, J. Seiser, K. Seiser,
No - None.
Motion carried.
2. Proposed Budget for 2012-2013: After review, motion was made by Member Brinkhuis and seconded by Member Flower to approve the proposed budget for 2012-2013. Motion carried. Final budget will be presented at the March 12 meeting.
3. Meeting Start Time: It was suggested that the council meeting time be changed to 7:00 p.m. instead of 7:30 p.m. Motion was made by Member Wykstra and seconded by Member Rambadt to change the start time of the village council meetings to 7:00 p.m. Motion carried. President Harness will check with Attorney Annen to see if this can be done without changing the charter.
4. Lions Club Update: Member Flower reported that the Lions Club voted to discontinue Bingo at the end of February 2012 and put the building up for sale. This will affect the village with the use of the trash receptacle which will also be cancelled at the end of February. Discussion followed on where the village should put a container. Wykstra will talk to Tim Eichler about this matter.

Recent Community Deaths: The following names were submitted: Delia Mae Geurink, Elaine "Fritzie" Johnson, Madelene Reynolds, Carol Sue Rantz, Lois Huisman, Haldon Mauchmar, and Gladys Wyatt.

Adjournment: Motion was made by Member Wykstra and supported by Member Flower to adjourn the meeting at 8:39 p.m. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Joyce Merrill
Deputy Clerk