Village Council
Board Minutes
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Minutes of the Village of Martin Board
January 14, 2013
Village of Martin
Regular Meeting
January 14, 2013

The Martin Village Council met for its regular meeting on January 14, 2013, at the Martin Village Office, 1609 North Main Street, Martin, Michigan.

Call to Order and Pledge to Flag: President Brinkhuis called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag was recited.

Roll Call: Members present: Brinkhuis, Flower, Rambadt, Doezema, Hunt, Kelsey and
Deputy Clerk Merrill. Member Wykstra was absent.

Approval of Minutes: Motion was made by Member Flower and supported by Member Rambadt to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of December 10, 2012 and the Special meeting of December 27, 2012, as submitted. Motion carried.

Recognition of Visitors: Visitors present were: Linda Gale, Mark VanElderen, Mike VanElderen, Paul VanElderen, Don Rambadt, Natalie Van Houten (7:30 arrival) and Don Black, County Commissioner (7:35 arrival). Mike VanElderen provided the survey results of the land he wants to purchase and have rezoned, and Mike read a letter explaining their recent efforts to improve their processes.

Approval of Agenda: Motion was made by Member Flower and supported by Member Hunt to approve the agenda as revised. Motion carried.

Communications: No communications were received.

Financial Items:

1. Treasurer's Report: After Treasurer Rambadt highlighted her report, reporting that all bills have been paid and reconciled with the bank. She mentioned that our truck repairs are getting expensive and more frequent and wondered if we are looking for a new truck, which we are. A motion was made by Member Doezema and supported by Member Hunt to approve the report for December 2012 as submitted. Motion carried.
2. Payment of Bills: The bills were reviewed by Clerk Doezema. A bill for MISS DIG for $57.33 was added. Doezema distributed two alternate ways to review the bills in the future, as well as the current method. Council members will review and make recommendations for future methods. Motion was made by Member Flower and supported by Member Rambadt to pay the bills as presented and any forthcoming utility bills. Motion carried.
3. Computer Software Update: Deputy Clerk Merrill reported that training on the new computer software is complete. The BS&A trainer will return January 30-February 1 for training on utility billing. Discussion on the need to contract with IT Wright for computer backup services at a cost of $500 annually. Motion made by Clerk Doezema and seconded by Treasurer Rambadt. Motion carried.

Department Updates/Reports:

1. Public Safety: Member Flower reported that the Martin Fire Department requested an additional 4 lights, as needed for the fire trucks. A fire department member would like 2 lights, for which he will reimburse the Village. Discussion on the budget. Deputy Clerk Merrill found a line item to charge the expenditure to. Motion made by Member Flower, seconded by Member Hunt, to purchase 6 lights, two of which will be sold to a fire department member. Motion carried.

2. Public Works: No report.

3. Streets: Member Wykstra was not present so Clerk Doezema reported for him that a survey has been done of street signs in town and a number of them need to be replaced. Member Wykstra will have a detailed accounting for the February meeting. There also was a question of speed limit signs and placement on the east end of town. This issue is tabled until more details are available. Deputy Clerk Merrill reported that we received documentation on designation of our Street Commissioner. She will research to see what all needs to be done. Member Kelsey reported that a globe lamp is burned out at the Memorial Park and queried whose responsibility that is. The township is responsible for the park and Kelsey will inform them of the light issue. She also asked the process for reporting public works issues for the Village. The response was to inform Member Wykstra who will then pass the item on to the public works employees.

4. Sewer/Water: Member Flower reported the need for a new meter reader. He will add it to the new proposed budget. Discussion on the generator at the wellhouse. Two quotes for maintenance were presented and discussed. Cummins Bridgeway quoted a 5-year maintenance plan. Steensma quoted a yearly price. The Steensma quote was incomplete and additional information will be requested before a decision is made. Member Flower reported that the chlorine scale needs to be replaced. Flower recommended a replacement scale that is similar to the one in place, which costs $1800, rather than a lighter weight model for $1400. Member Flower moved that we purchase the $1800 scale. Motion seconded by Member Hunt. Motion carried. There were further discussions on the need to rebuild the pumps sometime in the future and the practice of charging our ready-to-serve (RTS) fee on a property where the home was recently burned to the ground. Member Flower stated that our practice throughout town is to charge the RTS fee on all properties, regardless of whether there is a building on the property.

5. County Commissioner: Don Black distributed synopses of the December 1, 2012 and January 10, 2013 County Commission meetings, highlighting that 5 commissioners did not return this session and that the Chairman and Vice Chairman were reelected. He reported on a recent tour of the new Allegan County jail and distributed a work status report. He also asked if council members liked how they get information from him or would they like it differently. No changes were needed in information distribution.

Old Business:

1. Sewer Back Up Plan - Committee will meet soon to formulate a plan.
2. DEQ Recommendations - Water System: Tabled until committee meets.

New Business:
1. Committee assignments: All council members were agreeable to the committee assignments as previously posted. President Brinkhuis asked that each committee meet prior to the February meeting and provide a report. He also asked that he be informed of committee meeting times in case he can attend. Former council members Larry Harness and Rick Martin will attend if meetings are set for the evening hours, to give some background info to new council members.
2. Budget Workshop: Date set for the budget workshop of January 28, 2013 at 6:30 p.m.
3. 1009 W. Allegan Street: Discussion on recently sold property. Member Flower will send a letter informing the new owner of outstanding water/sewer charges. Treasurer Rambadt sent a letter regarding back taxes.
4. Rezoning Request: Discussion on the rezoning of the property for purchase by VanElderen Inc. Clerk will contact the Village attorney for the proper process.

Recent Community Deaths: The following names were submitted: Janice Kimmel, Doreen Towne, and Robert Blank.

Adjournment: Motion was made by Member Flower and supported by Member Doezema to adjourn the meeting at 8:50 p.m. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,
Darcy Doezema, Clerk