Village Council
Board Minutes
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Minutes of the Village of Martin Board
January 9, 2012
Martin Village Council
Regular Meeting
January 9, 2012

The Martin Village Council met for its regular meeting on January 9, 2012, at the Martin Village Office, 1609 North Main Street, Martin, Michigan

Call to Order and Pledge to Flag: President Harness called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m., followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag.

Roll Call: Members present: Brinkhuis, Flower, Harness, J. Seiser, Clerk K. Seiser and Deputy Clerk Merrill. Member Rambadt was absent.
Approval of Minutes: Motion was made by Member Flower and supported by Member Brinkhuis to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of December 12, 2011, and the special meeting of January 2, 2012, as submitted. Motion carried.

Recognition of Visitors: Those present were Christy Wonderly, Alice Kelsey and Darcy Doezema. State Representative Bob Genetski arrived at 7:54 p.m., and Allegan County Commissioner Don Black arrived at 8:00 p.m.

Ms. Wonderly expressed her desire to reinvigorate the community. She had prepared a survey which was distributed throughout the area. She stated that she had received about 75 responses with several ideas. A recent article in the Penasee Globe also resulted in positive feedback. She would like to pick up on the previously formed Community Action Committee in 2008. She has a concern about the loss of businesses and would like to work with the Village and Township in seeking businesses for the community as well as develop other events. She would also like to look into a historical district. After further discussion, a motion was made by Member Flower and supported by Member Brinkhuis to allow Christy Wonderly to work on reinvigorating the Martin Community which began in 2008. Motion carried.

Darcy Doezema stated that she wants to be more involved with village activities and possibly run for a position. She has been actively involved with veterans activities.

Alice Kelsey reported that Christie Fontaine has many electronic photos of Martin from years past which could probably be available for framing and displaying in the office. She also had questions about the area around the water tower and the Boysen parking lot.

Darcy and Alice each expressed their desire to work with Christy on various community activities.

Approval of Agenda: One item was added to New Business: Boysen Building. Motion was made by Member Flower and seconded by Member J. Seiser to approve the agenda as revised. Motion carried.

Communications: The following were presented:

1. Thank you note from Lori Martin for the Christmas bonus.
2. Invitation from Michigan Stormwater Floodplain Association to their annual conference to be held at the Doubletree Hotel Dearborn, February 29 to March 2, 2012.

State Representative Bob Genetski: Rep. Genetski arrived and gave a legislative update. He stated that revenue amounts would be the same as last May. He also gave an update on the state budget and reported that there had been a deficit reduction since $255 million was applied toward the principal on the deficit. He also spoke on the elimination of the Michigan Business Tax. There was other discussion on state redistricting and "Right to Work".

Financial Items:

1. Treasurer's Report: After review of the revised report for December, motion was made by Member Flower and supported by Member Wykstra to accept the revised report as submitted. Motion carried.
2. Payment of Bills: After the addition of three bills, motion was made by Member Brinkhuis and supported by Member Wykstra to pay the bills as presented as well as any forthcoming utility bills. Motion carried.
3. Software Update: Clerk K. Seiser presented information from Red Wing Software, QuickBooks Online, Microsoft Dynamics, Advantage Computer Enterprises, Inc., and Black Mountain Software. There was a wide range of costs. President Harness suggested that the Clerk, Deputy Clerk and Treasurer get together and review the information along with the previous quote from B S & A and make a recommendation to the council.

At 8:15 p.m., President Harness had to leave, and Vice-President Brinkhuis became chair of the meeting.

Department Updates/Reports:

1. Public Safety: Brinkhuis reported on the findings for safety signs stating that the cost for signs, stands and lighted wands would be approximately $591.46. The village would purchase the signs and cooperate with the fire department when needed for emergencies. After further discussion, motion was made by Member Flower and supported by Member J. Seiser to purchase the safety signs, stands and lights as recommended. Motion carried.

2. Public Works: Brinkhuis submitted a written report from Tim Eichler. Information included servicing of the generator at the wellhouse and future service on the pump. Mike Schaafsma began working for the village in the position of part time P.W. on January 4, 2012. Question was raised concerning property lines of the P.W. area. Investigation will be made as to whether the property was surveyed when the new barn was constructed.

3. Streets: It was reported that 1200 pounds of cold patch had been put on University Street.

4. Sewer/Water: Flower reported that some businesses still need to comply with the back flow preventer requirements. Reminders will be sent. Several normal delinquent letters had been sent.

5. County Commissioner: Don Black distributed a synopsis of the December 22, 2011 meeting and highlighted several items, including approval for the jail.

Old Business:

1. Independent Water: It was reported that Attorney Ed Annen has sent a letter but has not received a response yet.

2. Office Sign: Flower reported that he had contacted the school regarding their sign and had a brochure from Valley City Sign to review.

3. Salt Bin Update: Brinkhuis reported that Tom Deneau of Wightman & Associates is working on specs for bids. Ads will be placed in the Allegan County News and the Penasee Globe. Bids will be opened on January 26, 2012.

New Business:

1. Street Commissioner Appointment: The Street Committee has recommended Earl Wykstra for the position. Motion was made by Member Flower and supported by Member J. Seiser to appoint Earl Wykstra as the Village Street Commissioner. Motion carried with Wykstra abstaining.

2. Boysen Building: It was reported that Barney McLaughlin has offered the building to the school. There is a committee which has been formed to research and investigate costs and requirements to renovate or demolish and rebuild. The school requested that the village be involved and that two members from the council serve on the committee. Don Flower and Gary Brinkhuis have agreed to serve. Much research will be done before a decision is made.

3. Other: Member J. Seiser stated that Auto Shine Car Wash is having more traffic but would like property taxes reduced. That would be a matter for the township.

Recent Community Deaths: Names submitted were: Fay Brewster, Jr., Dale Bishop and John Beare.

Adjournment: Motion was made by Member Flower and seconded by Member J. Seiser to adjourn the meeting at 8:50 p.m. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,
Joyce Merrill
Deputy Clerk